3 Way Too Common Mistakes That Are Killing Your Gains

I was victim to each of these in my early lifting years.

It left me frustrated, unmotivated, and weak.

You don't have to make the same mistakes.

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Mistake #1: Lacking patience

I remember going on my first real shred.

I went 5 days in a slight caloric deficit and saw no weight loss so I dropped my calories to the floor.

I was starving myself due to a lack of patience.

@anymanfitness says it best https://twitter.com/anymanfitness/status/1278079865766342657?s=20
Mistake 2: Eating everytime you get hungry

I used to think that going against my "body's natural signals" was unhealthy.

No. Being overweight is unhealthy.

You don't need food when you have energy to use in the form of stored fat.

@TheForeverFit agrees https://twitter.com/TheForeverFit/status/1276995878255910912?s=20
Mistake 3: Worshipping supplements

Most supplements are a waste of money.

Especially if you're not already taking care of your nutrition and training yourself.

The right supplements can only contribute to 5% of the results.

@MattxFitness knows this https://twitter.com/MattxFitness/status/1277330602681864193?s=20
Recap to fix your self-destructive habits:

1) Be patient
2) Be okay with hunger
3) Focus on the meat and potatoes

--> Don't fall victim to these mistakes like I did.
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