There's no mention of Indigenous peoples. By 1893 the Mohawk Institute Residential School, the oldest, continuously operated residential school in Canada, had been already been open for 59 years. The number of schools would rise to 61 by 1900.
The pass system, used to keep Indigenous peoples confined to reservations and away from settlers, had already been in place for 8 years, in part to facilitate the type of immigration promoted here. It would remain in place until 1945.
Rail lines are included as part of the map as a benefit. There is no mention that they were built, in part, to increase western settlement, or that 600-800 hundred Chinese labourers, likely many more, died building them.,_1881%E2%80%931886
The Dominion Lands Act (1872) led to aggressive settlement of the prairies through the granting of 60~ hector plots of land for $10.00 provided settlers 'improved' it. Concurrently Métis were being pushed out through shady scrip agreements. 
Over time the acquisition and improvement of these plots has created a myth of meritocracy based on "building something out of nothing". In actuality, the government financially assisted settlers for decades while further marginalizing Indigenous peoples.
The leaflet includes both overt and subtle cues about who was welcomed to settle in Canada. Note that people had to pay their own passage (filtering by class) and those with desired skills and professions (white collar vs labourers) were directed to different areas.
It's clear the information included here was aimed at British immigrants, which falls in line with immigration policies in Canada over time. Black and Chinese immigration was expressly discouraged. As was immigration from eastern European countries.
There is no mention of the Royal Proclamation off 1763 or the identification of treaty territories. That Indigenous peoples had and continue to have legal rights to land, and that Canada is responsible for upholding those rights, is completely ignored.
I could go on, but I'll stop here and underscore that Canada was built for and by white people on the backs of BIPOC. That the vast majority of us grow up not knowing or understanding the racist systems that allowed it to happen is by design, but the evidence is unequivocal.
Take some time today to read, listen or watch something about Canadian history that doesn't shy away from the truth. There's a number of excellent resources highlighted in this thread - literally something for everyone. Get in there.
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