1/ I'm around halfway through @50cent's book it has given me so much food for thought, here's a couple of insights that I've gained...

A) Getting success is the easy part. Sustaining it is where people go wrong. You need to have a healthy mind, spirit and body to maintain it.
2/ B) Never let fear rule you. Most people do not follow through with their dreams because they are afraid of so many things. Run towards what you fear and you will find most of what you are afraid of wasn't real. Take action to conquer fear.
3/ C) The key to confidence is preparation. Know your industry, niche and rivals inside out. Know your own skills and attributes and what you can bring to the table.

That way you can be relaxed. If things go left you know you have done everything to prepare so its OK
4/ D) Don't take your humble beginnings as a disadvantage. Those with silver spoons in their mouth may have had advantages but they have never been tested.

When adversity comes, they fold. Those from the schools of hard knocks are resilient, creative and have the stamina...
5/ If you are competing with a competitor who have some advantages, if you work smart you can out-think them and outlast them.

E) The streets make you 'street-wise' - you are practical, have great emotional intelligence and have great instincts. Don't lose that. Your gut...
6/ feelings can save your life. Streets kids, if they are smart, have tremendous advantages in the corporate world.

F) Quiet the noise - with social media & 24 hours news, we are constantly busy and our attention spans are shortened. We need space & time...
7/ to make good decisions. Turn off the phone and the TV. Work out. Go for a walk on your own. Learn to trust your own thoughts rather than what the world is telling you. Study a problem and then be alone - it clears up your thinking.
8/ and much more. This book really resonated with me because I had a rough start in a rough part of East London. I always felt that it hindered me, especially in the world of teaching and academia. But when I look back on my career, like @50cent said, those...
9/ Things that I thought were a barrier were actually a stepping stone. We need to be telling our kids this, especially those from working-class and minority backgrounds.

Many feel like they can't make it because they are different. But we need to show them that their...
10/ upbringings are nothing to be ashamed of and they have a wealth of innovative ideas that can help society.

I'll give a full review when I finished.

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