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As we are celebrating 60 years of independence, I would like to walk you through some history and Facts about Somalia.

Please read it, the purpose of this is to reflect, learn from the past and look forward to a hopefully united prosperous future for Somalia.

On 1st July 1960, Italian Somaliland (south) and British Somaliland (north) merged together to form the Somali Republic.

Today Somalia celebrates 60 years of “independence”.
30 years of governance, stability and rule of law.
(9 years of parliamentary democracy + 21 years of brutal dictatorial rule.)

30 years of chaos, violence, state collapse, warlordism, weak transitional governments and complete anarchy.
10 years of civil war which has left lawlessness and chaos
+ 12 years of ineffectual transitional Government
+ 8 years of Federal gov.

Since 1990, two peacekeeping missions were sent to Somalia (Unisom, 1992–93 and AMISOM, January 2007—to date). One has failed to restore peace in Somalia and resulted in conflict with the US and other international peacekeepers.

The other one is still in Somalia as the longest, largest, most expensive and political involved peace keeping mission in Somalia with legally binding UN resolution mandate.

In 1991, Somalia collapsed into anarchy following the overthrow of the military regime of Barre, British Somaliland unilaterally declared independence from Somalia — 30 years later its quest of independence remains an unfulfilled promise.

The rest of Somalia (Italian Somaliland). There are 5 federal member states (PL, JL, HSH, SW, & GM ) Central government, a city (Mogadishu) with no clear status and never ending interim constitution and confusion around future electoral processes.

14 different reconciliation conferences have been held outside of Somalia. The aim and the agenda was always set by the host country. 4 different transitional governments were the outcome of these conferences.

For many years, time, resources & political capital have been invested to build an effective SNA. sadly, they still incapable of securing Somalia’s borders & defeat Alshabab. The efforts to build an affective SNA is hampered by the clan nature of Somali politics.

Since the formation of Somali state only two clans (Hawie & Darod) have been dominating at the two highest positions (President and PM). (Except 1 term of PM Egal). This is what Prof. Samatar called “Duopoly”. Do we recognise the rest of other clans as equal citizens?

Man made and natural disasters became big part of Somali history as the country face devastating droughts and seasonal floods that could have been avoided if there was an effective national plan.

Half of the population of Somalia (6 million people) are in dire need, more than 2 million people are internally displaced, which means they lack access to basic services.

The International community is legally responsible for humanitarian assistance, security, political stability and economic development — which Somalia needs today but somehow curtails Somalia’s sovereignty, semi-U.N Trusteeship.

Somalia is in debt of $5.5B to the international financial institutions — most of this resources was used to buy weapons for the Bare military regime which during and after the collapse of the military was used against and by Somali people to kill each other.

After 60 years of independence, our food, clothes, furnitures, building materials and more than 90% of our basic needs are currently being imported from abroad. We have no structural economy that is functional for all.

The conclusion is after 60 years of independence, as a society — we still lack true understanding of politics, governance and peaceful coexistence and tolerance is undermined by clan loyalty.

My consolatory advice to my people.
1- Start your own reconciliation conference led, owned & invested by Somalis.
2- Stop believing & living with the myth and start facing the reality.
3-For economic growth and poverty reduction, invest Agri, Livestock & fishery sector.

4- Elect competent people, protect/adhere the constitution and respect the the rule of law at all times.
5- Give space for other clans to also lead the country because they are also citizens.

I pray for another 60 years where Somalia is for all Somalis regardless of our differences, 60 years where we eliminate corruption, stop begging other countries, better management of our resources and compete with other societies and become self sufficient people.

And only that can make us a vital ally with other nations where we can protect our core interest and dignity. #Somalia2080
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