Today has been a particularly difficult day, so I will be brief. I refuse to be part of this celebration of womanhood, as Kashmir's Women's Collective (who assembled this list) mentions in a Facebook post. I cannot share space with women who are shamelessly casteist, 1/4
women who are part of an occupational PR machinery
and tout ‘everything is normal’ amidst a brutal siege, and women who are integral to the Indian state’s narrative warfare and obfuscation of truth. A liberatory movement is against all interlocked forms of domination. 2/4
This glossing over is unethical, unjust and anti-liberation and is far from celebrating strong women’s voices. I have immense respect for some of the women in the list 3/4
and I feel this balancing act is deeply problematic, reductionist and erases years of our labour and struggle for liberation. 4/4
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