I've been asked to elucidate my thoughts with regard to the removal of Baroness Nicholson's post from the Booker Prize; I also wanted to say something, since I am naught but a vain and insecure writer who name searches, and therefore know what's being said of me!
I tweeted twice, both times in response to the Booker Prize's initial statement. I said I felt it didn't go far enough; & explained that I felt there was a distinction btwn chastening people for their thoughts & asking for behaviour in keeping with organisational principles
I have never tweeted about or to JK Rowling (whose books I love but that's another thread). I have both trans friends and friends who for various and valid reasons are fearful or have logical difficulties regarding trans rights and women's rights. I see no difficulty with this.
I did not hound Baroness Nicholson because I have a new book. I also did not NOT hound her because I have a new book (I've seen both said!). The idea that I would resort to two (2) tweets as a publicity ploy is amusing, if I suppose not without logic
Damian Barr is not a misogynist, nor am I his shill; in fact, I would respectfully point out that saying I was moved to tweet at the command of a MERE MAN, even if he is a friend, is what has most got on my tits, and is....a little sexist
I believe the category of woman contains multitudes & this includes trans women. I also think that cis women should be able to express fears/concerns without being abused, pilloried or mocked. The violent language used against some cis women, veiled in righteousness, horrifies me
I have been called a misogynist, a homophobe, a totalitarian, the witchfinder general, and a couple of other things. I am not in the least angry because I understand the depth of female anger & fear, the centuries of oppression, that lies under this. I'm a big lass, I can take it
I know these tweets will infuriate many and I suspect on both sides. That is fine. I am not here to please everyone and could not if I tried. I contain no anger or resentment except against the patriarchy and the distress and sorrow it continues to cause. Peace out. Love x
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