For today's #MuseumsUnlocked, let's take a tour around the #RomanEmpire to explore some #DomesticArchitecture. The most common #house for medium-upper classes in cities&towns was the #domus (📸: T.Langhammer on @WikiCommons - CC BY-SA 3.0), while #insulae were block of flats 1/12
In the countryside,(📸by @Capitolivm: ) wealthy people built the #villae. We know 2 different type:the #villarustica, the hub of a large agricultural estate and the #villaurbana, easily reachable from the closest city,built for leasure #Museumsunlocked 2/12
Let's start from #Rome and from the private domestic space of #Augustus. The house is located on the #Palatine hill,above the Lupercal and near the Apollo's temple. On the 2° floor, the Emperor’s Study is completely decorated by frescoes with Egyptian motifs #MuseumsUnlocked 3/12
But not only the Emperor had a beautiful #house in #Rome:the #FarnesinaHouse,along the #Tiber banks, may have belonged to Agrippa&Giulia. Its was decorated by stunning and innovative frescoes and the cielings hosted 3D reliefs in stucco(now @PalMassimoTerme) 4/12 #MuseumsUnlocked
On of the most well preserved example of #suburban residence is #VilladeiQuintili along the #ViaAppia. It was built by a whealty family in II AD and it was then confiscated by Commodus. Beside the residential areas, the villa had also a thermae & a nimpheum #MuseumsUnlocled 5/12
In @parcostiantica both rich #domus and common #insulae are well preserved. #Ostia, the port of Rome, saw a growth in population leading to the constuction of both luxury apartments, with gardens & rich frescoes, and block of flats, with ground floor shops #MuseumsUnlocked 6/12
Another place where #Roman houses can be fully appreciated is, obviously, @pompeii_sites. One of its richest house is #HouseofMenander, named after the fresco of the Greek poet. In the perystilium, a Lararium testifies the domestic cult of the house Gods #MuseumsUnlocked 7/12
Rich #Roman families loved the area around the #Vesuvius and built there several #villae: #VillaSanMarco in #Stabiae is one if the largest. It still completely preserves the entrance,with the benches where clientes waited, and a large kitchen,fully equipped #MuseumsUnlocked 8/12
Sometimes, you can even choose an house with a view! In #Roman times #Nora, a former phoenician settlement in #Sardinia, flourished, attracting whealthy citizens who built there their luxurious villas, decorated with rich, polychrome mosaics, still preserved #MuseumsUnlocked 9/12
Again in #Sardinia, but further #North:walking through the archaeological area of @MuseoArcheoPT means enjoyng some stunning #Roman mosaics, like the one portrying #Orpheus playing the lyra surrounded by animals, or the marine one, decorating a trilobed tub #MuseumsUnlocked 10/12
Again on an #island, again with a view on the #Mediterrenean, but now in #Malta. The #RomanVilla in Rabat, outside of #Mdina, still preserves some fine mosaics. The central emblema with the Drinking Doves is a copy of a original greek painting by Soso #MuseumsUnlocked 11/12
The third #island of our tour, and the southernmost place. Nea #Paphos, on the SW coast of Cyprus, still preserves in situ some of the finest mosaics of the ancient world belonging to the House of Dionysus, of Theseus, of Aion, of Orpheus & of The 4 Seasons #MuseumsUnlocked 12/12
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