Nothing to save Hinduism? Excellent question @Reyzzsnd. I've always reiterated that Sanatan Dharma🕉️ is different from organised Abrahamic religions (☪️, ✝️) and 'indigenous religions' followed by African tribes. The reason why Sanatan Dharma could withstand the attack of +
+Muslim invaders for 1400 yrs is coz Hinduism combines the strength of organised religion like Islam or Xtianity as well as agility of Africa's indigenous religions! Hinduism has towering Gods with Holy books. Yet Hinduism also has flexibility that you can worship flora &
+fauna as Gods. What Muslims did in India, if they does that in Vatican, then Xtianity will fall coz it's very structured, organised & inflexible. That's why Xtianity may dominate the 'indigenous religions' of African tribes but loses out to Islam. Example-Syria. Also,
+Right now, Hinduism is in danger coz it is facing a multi-pronged attack, namely
1. Islam
2. Evangelists converting adivasis to ✝️
3. Communists/Atheists
4. Secular State
5. Hindus m*r*ns (who Q Hindu rituals)
And we don't have the advantage of nos which our ancestors had.
Finally, my conclusion is while Xtianity may temporarily dominate in Africa, it will be wiped out by the aggressive, militant Islam. Similarly also in India, even if Y S Jagan or Kamal Nath tried to make Xtian states out of AP or MP, it won't be for long. See Kerala for ex.
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