Over the last few weeks the Northern Ireland Arts community have spoken out for the need for Covid relief across all the Arts and each sector within the Arts has spoken out beautifully and we should make sure the NI music community is heard too.
With the full understanding that in times like these the health and safety of our citizens is the first priority.
Yesterday’s announcement of Covid relief funding in NI included funding for the Arts and it’s welcome news as many musicians, music businesses and freelancers are struggling in these times.
Live music will be the last business sector to reopen in NI. It might take a year before it’s fully reopened and bands have already lost 4 months of paying gigs they sorely need.
I’m of course not talking about bands that have done well financially but bands that need regular live gigs just to make ends meet and young acts that are still finding their feet.
Our music scene has flourished in peacetime. It has brought the country not only great joy but great pride & brought millions of pounds of revenue into the NI economy. If music doesn’t receive help now we risk irrevocable damage & most bands/artists will not be able to continue.
These awesome bands in our scene are never done helping each other. It’s a scene to be so proud of. These artists are resilient but they’re not superhuman. It’s important to not forget them when these funds are dispensed.
When restrictions are lifted and we all get back out into the world again we’ll want live events to go to and music is a massive part of our culture and what makes life truly worth living.
Music is a balm when life is hard and has helped us all through these tough days. Music brings us joy and connects us to one another like nothing else. And so it needs protected.
We ask the NI gov to work with the music community to help struggling artists and bands get through this torrid time. Thank you.x #saveNImusic #StrongerTogether @CaralNiChuilin @CommunitiesNI @PaulaBradleyMLA @DUPleader @moneillsf @ArtsCouncilNI @niassembly @niexecutive
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