Momentum Renewals failure seems to be a mix of complacency, underestimating the importance of some aspects of their opposition and over estimating what they considered problematic.
There was a reluctance in Renewal to address transphobia, and even when 2 members were clearly highlighted as potential transphobes it wasn't addressed and the silence from candidates and organisation left a vacuum.
Several other queries about democratic accountability were left hanging as well which would have been less of an issue if FM weren't running on a clear pro democracy platform.
Their negative campaigning was crude and unfortunately the AWL issues didn't cut through either due lack of focus on the attack or lack of public knowledge what the AWL was. FM ran a lot slicker campaign which although full of attacks were far more subtly disguised
The lesson here is don't rely on big endorsements and assume that will carry you to victory. In a grass roots campaign you need to listen and demonstrate you're listening to ensure your message is coming through
Unfortunately if what I'm hearing about FM's demands now are true its highly unlikely that a unified momentum slate will see a unified left. Perhaps even worse than the last NEC fiasco.
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