I was a member of Enfield North CLP.
We made a bit of history at some point. We, the grassroots, fought and got rid of the Blairite MP Joan Ryan.
We were organised. We won every election, every motion, for 2 years. The local right wing coudn't touch us.
We worked hard. 1
We had our own good potential Parliamentary candidates. They would've won, no question. Enfield North would've had a grassroot socialist MP now.
But we were crushed, and Blairite candidates were imposed. Who did that? The supposedly left NEC.
We pleaded with Corbyn & Formby. 2
We wrote statements, petitions. JC, Formby &co did NOTHING. And don't tell me they couldn't!
During GE Corbyn made a video pleading with us to campaign for the Blairite, as few ppl were turning up!
This, after we got rid of a Blairite! (Btw JC&McD tried to prevent us do it too) 3
Starmer is just doing his job. He is right wing pro-capitalist. The left is wasting their breath complaining about him. It was the supposedly left leadership that failed us! They DIDN'T FIGHT, yet are bleeting to members to "stay and fight". And when we fought, THEY crushed us! 4
I'm off. Not the only one.
Labour is finished. Rw is ruthless and won by sheer force. The left meekly let them do it. But it will be a pyrrhic victory for rw. They are losing every traditional base.
For the left outside LP, there's a world to win.
I'm home @Socialist_party 5/5
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