One of the worst aspects of the mess unionism’s in is the crippled state Arlene Foster’s in politically. Countless open goals come in front of her, but always inaction, & always the excuse - ‘she daren’t [go in heavy/look to score political points], have you seen her negatives?’
Clinging to a liability who does no good for unionism, and who, indeed, throws away political opportunities for it (as she is doing here), is a self-indulgence unionism can’t afford. It’s weak in every sense: a crippled leadership and lamed followers without the courage to act.
Unionism needs to be led by someone who can and will take it to Sinn Fein. Arlene Foster’s tragedy is that she now, demonstrably, won’t and can’t. Compare and contrast with her poisonous Executive partners, who’ll take it to her and unionism every unscrupulous chance they get.
Look at the way Sinn Fein did exactly that when they collapsed the Executive. What a reward that was for the Punt’s stupidity - I’m sorry, ‘longterm strategic genius’ - in letting them away with murdering Kevin McGuigan. And, natch, the NIO & press letting them away with that too
That last point - the loaded scales: Foster being the devil because of eg civil service incompetence on RHI *all* the responsible Exec ministers signed off on = NONSTOP MEDIA HYSTERIA; SF murder someone = whistling press crickets - *is* the point.
The scales being loaded against unionism - a timid 3rd rate local press which won’t say boo to SF; the NIO being determined to keep their house Provos publicly paid - is precisely why unionism can’t afford an irredeemable liability as leader. But that’s what they’re lumbered with
The fault is not Arlene’s for clinging on: the blame lies squarely with the weak and exhausted men letting her. Every day this inaction does more incremental harm to unionism: unionism is not so lavishly resourced politically that it can afford such self-inflicted attrition.
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