Just some of the babies thrown out of the bathwater with the eclipse of the BCP in the Church of England: monthly reading of the entire psalter in order, daily recitation twice of the Apostles' Creed, at least weekly of the Nicene Creed...
Daily recitation of the Venite and Te Deum or Benedicite omnia opera, frequent recitation of the Athanasian Creed - none of which are said much at all in the modern rite...
A one-year eucharistic lectionary based on the Comes of St Jerome, grounded in antiquity and ensuring sound retention of key texts by yearly repetition...
The Litany thrice weekly, the oldest part of the English liturgy, including set prayers for the Church, Queen, civic authorities and Armed Forces...
A clear pattern of fasting and abstinence, all of which taken together effectively gives a comprehensive Christian rule of life...
All in one simple, universal book for all clergy and laity, so that everybody knows that wherever they go, services will be recognisable, orthodox, and not just made up by the cleric in charge.
The problem of the CofE's establishment status and attempt to be all things to all people is that we, alone in the Anglican Communion, don't recognise the value of our unique tradition. The BCP is not just about heritage or aesthetics, but about order and the bounds of orthodoxy.
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