#RIPHanaKimura Article Summary Thread. Please read.

1. Hana's mother confirms with the media that Hana was pressured to act more violent & aggressive on Terrace House, and that the Costume Incident episode was staged.

*Translator's Note:
Fuck Terrace House.
Fuck FUJI TV. https://twitter.com/bunshun_online/status/1278222681393950720
2. This is the first time that Kyoko Kimura is responding to the mainstream media after Hana's death.

On May 15th, Hana celebrated her grandmother's birthday with her grandmother & mother...
3. When her mom, Kyoko Kimura, was driving her home, she broke down into tears. She told her mom that Terrace House was forcing her to behave more obnoxiously on-camera for views.
4. Hana's mom reveals what Hana told her about the filming behind that episode. She told her that she wanted to present herself professionally on-screen, but the producers were pressuring her to behave violently instead.

They told her to play up her Heel persona from 1 to 100.
5. The staff instigated the Costume Incident. They would say things like "Nice. Now slap his face." Hana didn't want to get violent or hurt anyone. It was wrong and didn't appear professional as a wrestler, anyway.
6. She refused to slap her co-star's face, but she compromised and slapped the hat off his head.
7. A friend of Hana's also shared LINE messages that were exchanged between them about her frustrations with the producers. Hana explicitly said that the producers tried to pressure her to slap her co-star, and she refused to act violent or obnoxious for TV ratings.
8. Hana wrote, "my work uniform just got destroyed, and the staff wanted me to act sharp in front of the camera". This friend was repeatedly told about stuff like this from Hana.
9. On top of that, Kai Kobayashi, the co-star who Hana fought with (and dated on Terrace House) confirmed that it was true. She also called him and spoke to him about how the producers pressured them to act on-screen.
10. The writer of this article contacted Fuji TV for comments about the alleged staged episode + pressures on Hana, but they said it's "under investigation". They also said that it can't be confirmed as a fact to be questioned about.
11. On May 18th, five days before Hana died by suicide, Fuji TV re-aired the Costume Incident episode.

Hana was watching it that day.

The anonymous friend received this LINE message from Hana.

"This is becoming a hot topic.
I guess the producers are satisfied."
My thoughts:

I'm happy that Hana's mother is coming out when she's ready to amplify her daughter's concerns.

That's a real mother's love.
After reading about what the producers of Terrace House forced Hana to endure, and how they forced her to make a spectacle out of herself, I can't imagine why anyone would continue to support Terrace House, period.

They made a mockery out of Hana's livelihood and career.
This is an insult to female pro-wrestlers everywhere.

Fuck this show, seriously.

They thought they could get Hana to act like a banshee and pass it off as "reality".

She wasn't playing a character in a movie.

She was presenting as herself.
Update: There's an 11-page article with even more details + an interview with her mother via Yahoo News. I will translate it later this week.
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