No but I’m a girl who’s family relied on free school meals, council housing, breakfast clubs etc and now I’m a doctor? Get outttttt 🥺
This is why @MarcusRashford campaign hit me hard. Because I was that child! I know how it feels being the eldest and watching your single mother suffer because there’s no money at home. Adovocating for my mum/family at big council meetings at the age of 9+ . I’m so proud of me
We literally grew up living in 10+ different houses, bed and breakfasts, hostels because of the housing crisis’ and rent being so expensive in London. My family literally became homesless the night before my big ALevel exams! Don’t ever ever let a statistic tell define you! EVER
I went to Med school feeling SO insecure because I was from a working class family, and I was black. But little did I know the experiences I underwent during my childhood helps me relate so much to vulnerable patients or patients/families who are going through hard times
Imagine at the at of 9+ I had to grow up quickly helping my mum by speaking to people on the phone/writing letters/taking part in big meetings, just to advocate for my family! If you know you know!!!
From living in Newham/Barking to Tottenham/Enfield/Edmonton green (yes I’ve lived in all these places because we moved around so much) one of the most deprived areas in London ya girl kept her head up and kept going 💗
Maybe one day I’ll share my story in it’s entirety but for now, I just want to encourage anyone who wants to achieve their dreams! It doesn’t matter who you are, what gender you are, what colour you are, where you come from, please NEVER give up on your dreams!
People will discourage you, you may even do this to yourself. You may not see people that look like you in your field, but you can be the first! Don’t give up, even when it gets difficult. Don’t rush, take your time. Look for opportunities online, get mentors, and stay resilient
Want to take this opportunity to recognise some amazing organisations which help widen access to medicine for disadvantaged students! I personally have benefited from some of these
*whose! Sorry I’m just really excited and keep making spelling mistakes
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