Recently selalu dengar phrase “It’s okay to not be okay.” Mungkin sebab new kdrama on Netflix

Saya setuju dgn ayat ni. If setiap hari nak be okay, impossible. Hidup memang ada mcm2 hal

Kenapa nak paksa diri to be okay bila sebenarnya tak okay? Lagilah jadi teruk

Thread 1 of 7
Kenapa kita paksa diri nak jadi okay?

Mungkin sebab bila sakit, kita jumpa doctor. Bila ada masalah, kita cuba settle.

So bila tak okay, kita paksa diri jadi okay. Sebab tak tahu nak do what

Approach paksa mcm tu is wrong. Believe me, it's okay to not be okay

Thread 2 of 7
Ada satu assessment instrument yg dipanggil Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE).

Kita tengok sejauh mana Positive Experience orang tu ada, then dia punya Negative Experience. Then kita tolak Negative dari Positive. The result is called Affect Balance

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Kalau tengok past studies, for Affect Balance, selalunya orang akan dapat slightly leaning toward positive experience. This means generally we experience more positive emotion than negative emotion.

Tapi ini juga bermaksud we still do experience negative emotion!

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So again, it's okay to not be okay

Feeling down, feeling not okay, feeling sad, that is fine.

It is even better if we can express it to our social support group, such as family members or close friends.

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Carilah waktu yang sesuai, orang yang kita trust, and say this, "Saya nak talk to you about something. Awak tak perlu say anything. I just want to express it and let it out. I just need you to listen, and be there. Boleh tak awak buat benda ni untuk saya?"

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If we can be open & vulnerable, embrace being not okay, we might realize it's what we need

We find strength in weakness, grow in hardship & flourish with support. How can we be okay if we can’t even accept it's fine to not be so?

So yeah, it's okay to not be okay

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This is just one approach. Nanti saya tulis yg lain

At the same time, if you think it is difficult & more than what you can deal with personally, then it is better to consult professional help. There are plenty around, including NGOs that are more than willing to provide support
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