Massive rally planned today on HK Island. People have been turning up since noon, only to encounter a heavy police presence. The blue flag and the new purple flag have been raised multiple times.
Police pushing down Jardine's Bazaar earlier, pepper spray was deployed
Arrested being taken away.
A man trapped inside Sogo Department store takes a photo of the commotion outside.
Sitrep: Hysan Place and Sogo are closed. Hennessey, Lockhart and Jaffe Rd cordoned off. Purple flag up on Lee Garden Rd.
Witj most roads cordoned off by police, the crowd is heading down Lee Garden Rd.
Purple flag goes up on both sides of the road, earning both jeers and applause from the crowd. A #Hkindependence flag goes up briefly, resulting in the police pushing forward to go confiscate the discarded flag. Random objects were thrown. No arrest made.
The crowd stuck between the police cordons have now begun chanting, demanding that the roads be reopened, mingling with the more usual protest slogans.
A slightly irate anti riot officer loaded his weapon and threatened to fire it at the crowd yards away due to…loud chanting.
Pepper balls have been deployed on the crowd that assembled on the intersection of Hennessey and Percival.
Earlier: A banner supporting the #NationalSecurityLaw is unceremoniously removed from a footbridge.
Protestors previously briefly regained access to the intersection, leading to several volleys of pepper balls being fired. Umbrellas were raised in a defensive posture at the entrance of the MTR to shield those behind.
Orange flag briefly raised.
A trio of young men have been arrested, reason unknown.
A CS hand grenade has been deployed. Y the police, sub-munitions and debris litter the floor.
A motorcyclist caught in the blast has been hauled away by volunteer EMTs.
A second look at the debris left behind by the CS nade, now collected into a pile
Update: Medics that took care of the wounded motorcyclist said that there were no protestors near him when CS was deployed, realized that they have made am error and tossed him a bottle of water before departing in unmarked cars.
Police no where to be seen. Protestors have rallied outside Times Square, chanting "1 Nation, 1 Hong Kong" and other slogans in open defiance of the #NationalSecurityLaw.
Police have reappeared, made a big show and then returned back to their original position. Small volley of pepper balls deployed, mostly press affected.
Crowd from Times Square seems to be wandering East into the direction of Victoria Park, they have just stopped briefly at Hysan Square to ask people inside to come join them in their march.
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