In the UK, in the next 6 months, we will see more anti-Europe reporting & sentiment.

To my fellow continental Europeans in the UK: Remember, this is NOT personal. They have an agenda, they use propaganda. And yes, that propaganda will be believed. That's what it's there for. 1/
To all British people abroad: You are welcome here. No, you do not need to apologise for your country. Yes, of course you will miss it. It's your home. Please, make your other home here and our home more diverse. If you need anything, tell us. 2/
To all British people back home: We respect you. Always have. We respect your decision. It makes little sense to us, because it comes with such sacrifice for so many. But please believe we do not wish to harm you. Even when we advocate our interests & protect our way of life. 3/
To the UK governmnt: I don't envy you. Yours is an uphill struggle. Much goodwill & trust has been lost in the last months. This is on you. For being untruthful, at home & abroad. For being unreliable. For walking back agreements & promises. For offering no substance, just PR. 4/
To the UK's right-wing press & media: I have nothing to say to you. I have no hope you will tone down your rhetoric. I know you will continue to spread prejudice and discord. Yours is not serious journalism, don't even call it that. It is propaganda. 5/
In Europe, we have chosen to live together. We respect the UK's decision no longer to be part of this. We expect that you, too, recognise our decision and treat it (and us) with respect. We'll take it from there.


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