Dragging each zodiac sign bc I’m bored n y’all need a reality check
Aries ♈️
- reality check no one gives a fuck abt your standards literally stfu
- y’all have more personality disorders than geminis are you ok
- stop being so indecisive it’s so annoying jus stop overthinking shit
- not everything revolves around you
- we can’t read yalls minds
Taurus ♉️
- who the hell hurt you
- probably suffer from childhood drama so you project it on others
- you guys don’t know when or how to shut the fuck up
- get jealous of other ppl easily
- stop stealing personalities
- the world doesn’t revolve around you either stop crying
Gemini ♊️
- double personalities but this isn’t an opinion it’s an actual fact
- usually double faced
- rly good at lying n covering shit up
- are you depressed or on top of the world make up your mind
- self centered as fuck
- we don’t need to know your whole life story
Cancer ♋️
- best sign tbh
- either mad or sad usually
- usually need ppl to tell them to chill tf out bc you guys are so dramatic
- stop talking so much abt yourselves nobody cares
- probably cries if they don’t get what they want
- very manipulative
Leo ♌️
- what do I even say
- stop existing
- you have the most boring personality what is wrong w you
- idek what to say you guys r invisible to me
- no one listens to you like ever
- probably get what they want all the time out of pity
- do y’all even have emotions
Virgo ♍️
- dramatic as hell
- probably quiet most of the time but you push ppl’s buttons often
- overthink too much
- stop being such a pussy n live life
- probably plotting your murd3r if you do the smallest thing to them
- bad liars
- won’t forgive n won’t forget
Libra ♎️
- kind of boring but good humor 👍🏼
- very fucking stupid
- never notice when ppl r showing the slightest attention to them
- stop thinking about the past so much
- you hate people secretly
- a hypocrite that probably talks about you behind your back
Scorpio ♏️
- most sensitive bitches but no one is ready to talk about that yet
- very fucking vengeful
- hate themselves
- way too overdramatic
- hates almost everyone
- rly bad listeners so if you need to rant make sure it’s not to a scorpio
- always cry at night
Sagittarius ♐️
- no one likes y’all
- the worst sign
- please disappear
- so self centered
- y’all don’t give a fuck about anyone but yourselves
- very bitchy
- never know when to shut the fuck up
- moody 24/7
- think the world revolves around them
Capricorn ♑️
- you suck
- no personality
- rly mean when giving out an opinion no one asked for
- childhood trauma probably is what made them so quiet
- never express themselves in any way so don’t date a capricorn
- do you even have emotions
Aquarius ♒️
- stop running away from your problems
- usually lie about their lives to hide their insecurities
- short tempered
- speak so freely it’s almost like we care
- think everyone likes them
- can you take other ppl’s feelings into consideration for once
- stfu already
Pisces ♓️
- one of my favs
- y’all don’t do much
- you overthink so much to the point where ppl tht surround get annoyed
- learn how to take criticism
- stop thinking everyone hates you
- too scared to open up
- need a reality check
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