Before Trump (BT):

Repubs acted upset about deficits. Now we have the largest deficit in history

They used to say they were the party of family values; Then they elected a rapey, thrice married dirt bag

They said, "We love kids!" Ahem, Except the brown ones we put in cages
They said the Dems were going to create death squads who killed our grandparents, and yet it's them who've taken away our healthcare and suggested the elderly should be willing to Die for the Dow.
They said they're the party of Christian values at the same time they've promoted vitriolic racism and bigotry

They've allowed the Kurds to be imprisoned and promoted Chinese Uighurs to be placed in Concentration Camps

As Jesus weeps
The Repubs say they're the party who support the military

And yet, here we are; a place where a bone spurred, draft dodging con man supports an enemy who's placed bounties on our soldier's heads

In retaliation, Trump invited Putin to the G7 - soon to be (apparently) the G-8
With nary a peep from the Republicans, it's quite apparent, they are none of the things they said they were


They are the party of lies, death, corruption and complicity; anti-American, anti-science, anti-military, anti-family, and anti-christian.
They have made quite a bed for themselves.

Vote them out. Every. Single. One.
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