This is why I wanna leave twitter. Y’all make everything into a stan war and it’s sickening.

That thread that’s going around is so full of lies and exaggerations that I just have no words

One by one:
He did wear a headdress and that was wrong. The context: he was nineteen (which isn’t an excuse). He put it up as his profile picture which shows you he had no idea it was offensive. Once again, not an excuse, google is free. When fans alerted him that it was offensive
So he took it down half an hour later. He should’ve apologised but this was at the height at 1D’s controlled image and their team never addressed controversial issues unless they blew up. This didn’t so he didn’t. I think he could’ve anyway, but just contextualise it
The second picture is literally... he didn’t make it? He didn’t tweet it? Someone else did, tagged him, and he said “haha” that was it. Also, it was done with Snoop Dogg’s official app called Snoopify which you can still find in the App Store. Btw his skin wasn’t altered
The BLM stuff, I’ve established that I’m not the person to talk about this because I’m not black. I’m just gonna say that he explained that he didn’t want to be a white saviour and overstep ans once he realised he could show support without doing that, he supported it 100%
The Roy Moore joke... listen, I understand that some people are more sensitive to these things than me. I’m personally a victim of child sexual abuse and I don’t think this is a problem but anyway, let’s contextualise that too... first of all no one vanished anything
So that’s a lie right there. Those are the first results on YouTube. This is the source y’all wanna trust? Okay... second of all, he was replacing James Corden as a host because his wife had given birth. It was completely last minute he only got told a few hours before taping
He didn’t write the monologue, of fucking course. He legit said he didn’t write the jokes in one of the sketches that same night (and he recorded it before there was any backlash). Maybe he could’ve refused to say it but I don’t think y’all understand how rushed this was??
Also, Roy Moore jokes were so par for the course... they were fucking EVERYWHERE. It wasn’t a pedo joke, it was a joke MAKING FUN OF A PEDO.

The title of this video is “banned from the YMCA” just so you have an idea... and you can look up ANY late night host. They were ALL
DOING THESE JOKES. It’s LATE NIGHT TV!!! I completely understand that people can get upset over it! And probably bc he asked to, the joke didn’t actually air. It was cut off (it was posted on twitter as a preview, the tweet was deleted, that’s why it says “media not available”)
If you think Harry telling a scripted joke he only had two hours to memorise that everyone else EVERYWHERE was making that was MAKING FUN OF A PEDO is that bad, then so be it. Just have the context because that person didn’t provide it...
None of the things posted in that thread are “blatant zi*nism” Palestinian fans have REPEATEDLY asked not to use that word lightly and they CONTINUE to ignore them.

In 2013/2014 Harry was ignorant on the actual role Isr*el played. He comes from a Christian upbringing and is +
British. We established, a ton of us, that we aren’t taught the reality of the issue in school and that the media doesn’t show it. It’s OBVIOUS he didn’t know. He never supported the government or the genocide or literally nothing that zi*nosm supports
When the hammer incident happened... that was the last time he did anything Isr*el related. I’m not him so I can’t tell you why... but I can say, by logic, that the most likely scenario is that he saw the backlash and started educating himself. He has since +
+supported several charities that work with Palestine and a political party that’s pro Palestine. The man is pro gun control and anti war... there’s literally NO WAY he’s a zi*nist it goes against every single piece of ideology he’s shared. Was he ignorant? Absolutely. Should he+
+say something? Yes! But Palestinian fans have said (and I’m sure each of them can have different opinions but these are the opinions the ones I know have shared with me) that they don’t want him to do it now because it would feel like a cop out and to save himself and that it+
+would centre the conversation around him when that’s the last thing they need right now. That makes sense to me, and I obviously would never contradict what they say. If Palestinian fans are upset, let them! That’s absolutely valid. But non Palestinian fans seriously need to+
+shut up and stop making it about themselves or him. This is NOT about him and we’re wasting time and resources that could be vital to actually help!
His “team” didn’t donate to Republican organisations. Irving Azoff isn’t part of his team. His team is Jeff and Tommy. Irving is Jeff’s dad. The companies have different branches. Harry and Jeff aren’t responsible for what Irving does, also FYI, Irving also donated directly+
+to Hilary Clinton’s campaign. You can see it in the Wikipedia of her donors (aside from other donations he made to Democrats). And Irving is a registered Democrat
He’s a millionaire music mogul and millionaire music moguls do stupid shit like that. But what the HELL does it have to do with Harry???
Harry stays silent every time there’s an important issue? What the fuck???? Harry was anti Brexit, openly a feminist, pro gun control, he’s A HUGE LGBT supporter, he has advocated for Black Lives Matter, has donated to refugees, pronounced himself anti Trump, talked about+
+supporting Puerto Rico, is an advocate for environmental issues, has been very very insistent in his advocacy for equality.... ?????? What???
He was never set to perform for the NFL. He was set to perform for a pre Super Bowl show which had ZERO affiliation with the NFL. And if Pepsi is a “racist organisation” so is LITERALLY EVERY BIG CORPORATION EXCEPT BEN AND JERRYS MAYBE. Lizzo, a black woman who’s a huge BLM+
+activist was LITERALLY OPENING THE SHOW FOR HIM. Lizzo was the opener?? She literally performed before the show was cancelled due to storm??? If black fans were upset that he was performing for Pepsi (NOT the NFL) then obviously they have a right to, but most of the fans upset+
+were literally white and FIGHTING THE BLACK FANS THAT WANTED TO GO. This happened before my eyes. A white girl telling a black fan that she had “internalised racism” that’s how fucked up this whole thing was. Ans it all started because a group of fans was convinced the NFL+
+was involved and openly apologised for their mistake. The articles coverage is literally just this...

He obviously tweeted about the cancellation because people were in serious danger. What the fuck
Harry stays stolen on LGBT RIGHTS????????? What????? He’s LITERALLY QUEER!!!! He’s been supporting the community since he was fucking SEVENTEEN!!! (Half a decade before coming out as non labelled) and he LITERALLY NEVER STOPPED
Harry has been an OUTSPOKEN feminist since he was nineteen what the fuck is this?? He educated himself on what he could do for BLM years ago and has been doing so much??? Trans rights?? Like??? What?? He was one of the only celebs to call out Trump for the army ban???
The thread about zi*nism that multiple Palestinian fans have multiple times debunked... of course. Because this person doesn’t give a fuck about the actual cause
I would love it if Harry could drop Ben but he’s known him since he was sixteen and he lived with Ben and his wife for two years when he was a teenager. I don’t know what Ben has and hasn’t said about the subject bc I don’t follow him but I’m pretty sure he’s not openly a+
+zi*nist and is more like “there are two sides to everything guys” But I’m not gonna defend him. Fuck him. Just saying if you wanna cancel Harry for being friends with him, you better be prepared to cancel all of 1D because all of them are friends with him...
The Isr*el tweet is 100% fake. Both him and Niall were framed on the same day by a group of people. They’re the same wording neither have credible screenshots and both of them just have one quote by a random person. Also Harry uses a . before his x, every single time
And the ratio of likes and RTs makes it obvious it’s fake. No tweet has 42,000 likes and 51,000 RTs. 99% of tweets have more likes than retweets. Also for a tweet with 42,000 likes... one screenshot and one quote? That’s literally impossible
Harry clearly should’ve expressed himself better in that interview but he wasn’t saying he wouldn’t support causes... considering...he has supported multiple causes. He’s saying that he hasn’t found the one cause that he’ll make his life cause. Which is fine? Like? What’s the+
+problem with that? As long as he’s still using his platform and trying to educate himself and bring awareness to things and putting his money into causes... what’s the issue? He’s doing all that
Once again the Roy Moore joke, I explained above but “has to do quite a bit of digging” what an absolute asshole liar. No you didn’t. The video is everywhere.
That flag is was for Make A Wish. The fan was LITERALLY DY*NG. She LITERALLY PASSED AWAY. What an absolute heartless ASSHOLE to try to use that to come for him. This has been explained and shared all over so this person HAS to know
So, has Harry been ignorant in the past? Yes. As have you, as have I. Because we’re all human and we’re all learning. But if THAT is the extent of problematic stuff they could find on him, he must be a pretty outstanding person considering he’s been a public figure for sixteen
YEARS (since* he was sixteen).

TEN YEARS IN THE SPOTLIGHT and what they can find is that he was ignorant a few times? Okay??? Good for you for finding out he’s human!!!

As always, the people ACTUALLY affected by his ignorant can feel whichever way they want about it
And no one can tell them anything or come for them, but everyone else really needs to reevaluate what it is they want from an artist. Because of what you want is a perfect person that doesn’t fuck up, you ain’t gonna find that anywhere.
Actually evaluate his character, what his motivations are, how he makes you feel. There is NO ONE ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET with a completely clean slate. No one. It doesn’t exist.
Twitter is fucking HELL for trying to hard to cancel artists who are harmless and just like any one of us simply because of a stan war. I’m an idiot for wasting all this time debunking that’s ridiculous thread but that person is fucking heartless for using people’s real life
Suffering. People being slaughtered and mutilated and discriminated and subjugated, to come for an artist they don’t like... like what kind of fucked up mentality is that????
I wanted to add:
1. The hammer thing. Anyone who has stanned Harry for years knows he LOVES grabbing stuff from fans during concerts. He still does it! I sincerely doubt he made anything from it other than an inflatable toy with the Star of David (which is a symbol of Judaism +
+NOT of zi*nism. Calling Jewish things zi*nist is literally anti Semitic. Don’t do that). Harry loves Jewish culture so that’s probably why he grabbed it?? Obviously it wasn’t the intention of the fans (or Ben), but he isn’t responsible for that. Once again, he SHOULDVE+
+done his research and he should apologise for being ignorant (I still respect Palestinian fans saying now is not the time), but ignorant isn’t malicious...
After that there was backlash (the first time he realised what Isr*el actually was. He started reading articles about it+
+which we know bc he followed a journalist that wrote an article about it. The writer and the article are falsely classified as zi*nist but they’re not. The article was about an Isr*eli girl realising that she had been lied her whole life about the role Isr*el had in the+
+conflict and having a conversation with a Palestinian girl about it. The article proposed a two state solution and talked about replacing bombs with flowers and stuff like that. It was definitely dumb and naive but it was the opposite of zi*nist as zi*nism believes in occupying+
+the entire territory and wiping Palestine. The author is the founder of Help Refugees and has publicly spoken against the government of Netanyahu, btw

2. That long zi*nist thread also accuses him of saying recently he wants to go to Isr*el and smiling to a flag in a concert+
+but that’s zi*nist propaganda. Both people saying that are zi*nist themselves desperate to say celebs support them. The first one is an Isr*eli comedian sharing this in Hebrew and it’s ridiculous, if Harry wanted to go to Isr*el he would just go... but he never has... if you+
+think he doesn’t go for PR purposes why would he openly say this to a zi*nist then this makes no fucking sense. It’s so easy to just make it up??? And the fan claims he smiled at her in an arena with 20,000 people it’s a Wattpad story. The reality is that since the hammer+
+incident he hasn’t said the word Isr*el ONCE. This was SIX YEARS AGO. If you wanna believe it’s to avoid backlash, you’re free to do so, but maybe contextualise who Harry has shown himself to be in TEN YEARS. He has shown his character so many times. He’s so openly against+
+ALL sorts of violence... being ignorant is not being malicious. I do hope that when the times is right he makes his position clear. I know he will.

3. The Elvis thing, the “I did a bit of digging about [his life] and was not disappointed” the [ ] means the person who wrote the+
+article added that. That’s how citation works. Harry didn’t say “his life”... it’s very likely that he just read surface level stuff. As someone who had NO IDEA what Elvis had done until I joined stan twitter, I can understand. Keep in mind that like with Isr*el, the media+
+worked really hard to rehabilitate his image because he was “the king of rock” and it wasn’t until very recently that bigger media outlets started talking about his actual past. If he read a biography or something like that, he wouldn’t see any of the sh*t he’s done.+
+I wanna make it clear that I’m not justifying ignorance because the information is out there, but I am asking people to put themselves in his shoes, remove yourself from stan twitter.... how many of these things would you know about? How much would you still be ignorant about?
I’m never gonna tell y’all how to feel but I think you’re holding him at a standard that’s unrealistic and that you don’t hold yourselves at, or anyone else

If there’s anything else you have doubts about, ask me and I’ll add it here. Just wanna clarify if this crops up+
+that the girl he wrote Carolina about (Townes Adair Jones) was 19/20 to his 21/22. She was NOT a minor and the age difference is perfectly normal. She was in college... I know the Daily Mail isn’t a good source but people have literally seen posts her friends made for her+
+birthday. Harry wrote the song between December and January 2016/2017 and they went on a blind date around November/December 2016. She was flattered by the song and there were no issues. I don’t know if anyone was talking about it but it always gets thrown around so yeah
Lastly, I’ve seen people saying they’re disappointed that he’s not talking about this or that and it’s like... Jesus what do you want? I’m Latina, the main issue I’ve seen is “he hasn’t spoken up about ICE” okay....? He hasn’t spoken up about the Muslim holocaust in China...
Or the Tibet crisis, the situation in Ukraine, the injustice in Venezuela, what’s happening with Bolsonaro in Brazil. I want him to use his platform as much as the next person but you DO realise you stan a musician right? He is speaking up about stuff. He is using his platform+
+he can’t advocate about every social injustice in the world he would literally never do anything else??? And y’all don’t hold ANY celeb to this degree. The person I’ve seen talking about this literally has “Zayn” in their @ has Zayn talker about ICE??? I’m-??????
At this point, you don’t care about ANY of this. You just wanna pile on. Like I said before, this is so fucked up for the people who are actually suffering. If what you want is political activism 24/7 make a stan account for AOC. Idk what to tell you. Not even she would suffice
And once again, I’m literally Latina. Y si no me crees te lo digo en castellano para que te quede bien clarito.
Harry Styles isn’t perfect, but he’s a good fucking person who has literally saved my fucking life countless times. And I’m not the only one. He’s the embodiment of kindness, a sweet soul who wants people to feel accepted and seen. Someone who no one has ever had a bad word+
+to say about. No one who’s met him has EVER had a bad word to say about him. He spends tons of his free time visiting ill children and befriending their families even after they pass away, he donates money privately, he went out of his way to make his concerts a safe space for+
+everyone. He does his best... I know he does. He has proven his character countless times in ten years. TEN YEARS. And all you have on him was that he was ignorant on a few things, as literally ALL OF US ARE.
I’m done now. I’m drained. Stan twitter is fucking disgusting. With the amount of people that are actually evil and everything that’s happening in the world y’all decided to pile on a man who dedicated his entire public life to spread kindness... I have no words
I fucking forgot JEFF AZOFF AND HIS FAMILY ARE NOT ZI*NISTS!!!!!! There’s literally ZERO PROOF OF ANYTHING!!! A zi*nist fan claimed Irving attended an event that doesn’t exist and y’all ran with it. Palestinian fans have done a ton of research and found absolutely nothing
I’m going to bed it’s 5 am. I love Harry Styles with his imperfection and his willing to learn and educate himself, his kindness and how much he wants to support everyone
Okay another thread was made with 99% the same things but a couple of added ones. One is a “booty call” from 2012. This was debunked ages ago. The person in the video drops and changed accents a million times. But even if it wasn’t... breaking news 18 year old boy has sex with
Age appropriate consenting partner. Please alert the media!! This is ridiculous at this point.

Then the “deportation joke” which they conveniently cut from the video before the punchline which was that Trump wouldn’t deport James Corden bc he’s white and European....
I’m literally Latina. This isn’t offensive. I’m so tired of seeing white people bringing it up. Please stop... it’s also the same monologue from the Roy Moore joke. I’m begging y’all get a new hobby

Then there’s a joke about “oh we’re gonna auction you off” to a kid...
Which is an innocent joke all my aunts tell at Christmas?? “Oh my god he’s so handsome I’m gonna steal him” and stuff like that. Y’all are making it weird. Do you ever leave your house? Look at what you have to dig up to find problematic stuff. This man is a saint
And I think the last “new” new thing they brought up was that Kendall said he had BO 😑 this tells you how seriously these people take these things.... not that it fucking matters but Kendall was talking about her friend Harry Hudson. The Daily Mail literally issued an apology
I’m gonna add myself before anyone else brings it up. When he was 16 he said people in the town of Tamworth weren’t attractive. CANCEL THE HEATHEN. He didn’t drop kick James Corden when he made a joke about Harry and Kendall’s sex life once (people called Harry not... saying...
Anything “slut shaming” 😭 he literally DIDNT OPEN HIS MOUTH AND WAS VISIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE). And!?? I don’t know??? He... uses planes instead of touring the world by boat???
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