Woot, I just reached 1000 followers!

Appreciate all of you for following me and allowing my tweets on your timeline.

To celebrate this milestone, I'd like to share a list of things I did and didn't do to get to 1k.

Let's begin 👇
Here's a list of what I DIDN'T do to get to 1k:

- catchy bio
- cool profile pic
- custom banner
- Follow for follow
- Appreciation shout-out for big accounts
- Write threads consistently (I only wrote a handful)

- link to valuable lead magnet
- start an email list
- have an account theme/niche
- tweet consistently a few times a day
- study tweets of bigger accounts
- say polarizing shit on purpose to draw engagement
Not saying you shouldn't do these things, in fact, you should do all these things (except the first one) if you're serious about growing your Twitter account.

I'm just saying I personally didn't.

If I did, I'm sure my account would have grown much faster.
Here's a list of what I actually did to get to 1k:

- Engage with my favorite accounts by commenting, or retweeting content which I found interesting

- Engage with others the way I would if I were talking to them in person i.e. tactfully
- DM convos with both big and small accounts

- Being genuinely interested in others... behind every avatar (Anon or not), there's a real human being with a story

- Reply to most comments on my tweets, even those that don't agree with me, as long as they're being respectful
- Recommend valuable email lists or gumroad products... stuff I have personally signed up for and found useful

- Sharing my genuine interests and thoughts... interests ranging from conspiracy theories and crypto, to freelancing and health, to Jiu Jitsu and spirituality
- Used Twitter as a platform to share what I've learned recently from books, podcasts, or YouTube

- Used Twitter to practice copywriting skills and writing skills in general

- Occasional shitpost for the lols
Basically I didn't use most of the typical Twitter "growth hacks" - which I'm sure are very effective otherwise people wouldn't be doing them - I just treat Twitter as if I'm at a party meeting cool people and having interesting conversations with them.
This app is truly amazing for learning and connecting with others if you use it right. You just need to follow the right people.

There are kids in their early 20s on here easily clearing $10k or even $100k a month running all sorts of businesses.
There are people on here who are truly "Awake", not fake Woke like the BLM Antifa rainbow liberal crowd... I mean people who possess deep Occult knowledge about the nature of reality and the Self.

Knowledge you wouldn't find in mainstream LOA shit like "The Secret".
Knowledge that if applied, could allow you to completely 180 your life.

Sadly, most people aren't even searching for this knowledge so it never finds them.

The answer will only find you, if you dare to ask the question. Otherwise, it will remain hidden to you, in plain sight.
Oops went off on a tangent there.

But yeah, you can basically learn everything you want on here.

- Game
- Social skills
- Marketing
- Sales
- Mindset
- Spirituality
- Conspiracies
- Investing
- Trading
- Diet
- Exercise
- Supplements

There's a niche for everything.
And the best part is, if you have a specific question, you can just DM the expert account and they will usually respond to you.

Twitter is truly an amazing tool for raising your level of awareness, yet most people choose to stay asleep on this app.

Sigh đŸ˜Ș
Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks again for following me.

Know that I'm grateful for your attention and support.

If you want to connect, my DMs are always open.

As I said, I'm here to connect with like-minded individuals in order to share and to learn.

Much love
PS/ I'm also here for that cheap dopamine if you dealin'
You can follow @adriankhoch.
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