It's very weird for me, but I don't see any way around the fact that I need to figure out how to get booked on podcasts.

Primarily to amplify my stories and emphasize the larger issues they relate to.

But also, I want to open source my journey into #journalism.

Here's a 🧵
Obviously, I'm no seasoned journalist.

It's only been three weeks since I successfully pitched @ClevelandScene on my first investigative piece.

My experience does run a bit deeper than the past month, though.
For nearly two years I've produced, edited, and marketed @bzlistening.

Initially I just wanted to amplify all of the criminally overlooked grassroots musicians I've come to know, but it wasn't long until I started to bring on political guests.
I love every bit of podcasting production:

Researching the guest
Preparing questions
Talking for hours with interesting people

More than anything, I love amplifying good people. Speaking of which, please follow, listen, and buy all of @CurtisEller's music.
I built the website, managed social media, attended public meetings, providing public testimony, asked @BOENYC pointed questions, archived digital media, called orgs and sources to talk for hours about background info, and provided research for articles.
Holly has remained a close friend, especially during this transition.

It was encouragement from her and other seasoned journalists such as @RogerGlennHill @seechriswrite @ericsandy and @JenniferConn9 that led to me being published.
They all unwittingly did the "each one, teach one" thing, and that's what I'm looking to consciously do as part of the job.

As I said, I may not have a lot of traditional credentials, but I think people need to know that those aren't pre-requisites to doing good journalism.
I've got that new-blood excitement (I think the industry term is "hungry").

People have asked me, more than a few times now, how they could also take this leap. I want to encourage anyone who has that inkling.
The first thing I had to ask my self was, "why am I doing this, and how will I do it?"

I aim to tell stories that serve to advance movements of social, economic, racial, and climate justice.

I will pay attention to activists and organizers that corporate press routinely ignore.
I'm biased as fuck, but I'm also fair. Wearing that on my sleeve has only served me well so far.

That was the only way I was able to get Samaria Rice on the phone to talk to me. It's also the reason that activists are now reaching out to me with new stories to cover.
From writing the Tamir Rice grifter story, I really internalized the care and responsibility that comes with being a journalist.

There are lies my subject told that would have added some vibrant color to the story, but at the cost of other people's undeserved grief.
Being able to apply that attention to stories makes me really happy.

I'm glad I got to be the one to tell it, not because it was salacious and marketable, but because I wanted the takeaway to be something positive for the movement.
I also love CONFIRMING. It's simultaneously tedious, terrifying, and thrilling all at the same time.

You haven't lived till you get a call back from someone you thought was going to confirm a mundane detail, and they blow up your whole story (in a good way).
Then there's just showing up. 2 weeks ago I covered a local paint-by-numbers protest, until a woman stepped forward and to raise up the name of #KennethSmith

The other press in attendance glossed over her mostly (and got her name wrong), but I didn't. 
This past weekend was my first attempt at video reporting, covering a #BobbyGeorge protest that I was tipped off to by a local activist.

No one from any outlet was covering this.
If you do subscribe to me on Patreon or Substack, the only real perk is supporting indie movement journalism.

I don't really believe in gating content or access based on how much you can pay.

Not sure if it's a dumb principle to stand on, but I am. 
You can follow @bzdug.
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