This is strong-man ideology writ large. Rather than investing in healing our nation and our world, our government has determined that an aggressive show of force and the militarisation of our geopolitical position is the means by which to secure our future. It is not. #auspol 2/3
This is how the world progressed from the ashes of WWI, the Spanish flu and the Great Depression to the misery and wreckage of WWII: through the primitive posturing of strong men leaders. We must not sacrifice another generation to such madness. #auspol 3/3
So @MichaelPascoe01 has pointed out that this is NOT an increase in defence spending; its previously announced funding.

Nevertheless, during a massive recession, while cutting public sector jobs and funding for research & education, this is an unproductive use of public debt.
Moreover, the mindset it reveals is terrifying. We need to build, not to fight: build the economy, build jobs, build relationships, build alliances. The escalating tensions with China are dangerous and damaging to our recovery from this crisis.
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