This study included hospitalized & non-hospitalized patients and exposed *asymptomatic* family members who returned to #Sweden after holidaying in the Alps in March. Healthy ASYMPTOMATIC blood donors who donated in 2020 and 2019 (pre- #pandemic control group) were also included.
👏🏼WOW. ~30% of blood donors in May 2020 had #COVID19-specific T cells, *much higher* than previous antibody tests showed (7% in this study).

Not only did patients with confirmed #COVID19 have T-cell immunity, so did many of their exposed *asymptomatic* family members.😃
Encouraging news. Patients with severe #COVID19 often developed a *strong* T-cell response AND antibodies. In patients with mild symptoms, it was not always possible to detect antibodies, but many still showed a *marked T-cell response* (likely meaning that they are also IMMUNE).
These T-cell results are consistent with studies after vaccination with approved vaccines for other viruses.

Larger/longer-term studies are needed on T cells & antibodies to understand how long-lasting the immunity is, and how these 2 types of #COVID19 immunity are related.
Important: these are PRELIMINARY data that have not yet been peer-reviewed. Link to the pre-print, published online is provided below.

100% of severe convalescent (recovered) #COVID19 patients had antibodies vs 64% of exposed relatives (bottom row).
Overall, this study is encouraging, as it suggests that more people may be immune to #coronavirus than previously shown by antibody testing.

T-cell immunity could last longer than antibodies (more study needed). If so, that's great news for herd immunity.
You can follow @DrDenaGrayson.
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