What is Minor League Baseball?

It’s the place where the fans don’t know the players names, but still want their autograph.

It’s the place for first jobs for teenagers, first career jobs for college grads, and last jobs for retired people.
It’s the place where you give a baseball to somebody cute, go on a first date (okay, maybe a third date), where marriage proposals occur, parents bring their young kids because they know it’s safe ... and grandparents get the biggest cheers on the Kiss Cam.
It’s the place where the majors get their best ideas – walk-up songs, kids running the bases, youth skills clinics, night games, fireworks, theme nights. Yes, they all originated in the minor leagues.
It’s the place where you celebrate a local delicacy like Green Chile Cheeseburgers, rename yourselves the Runzas for the night, eat nachos from a souvenir helmet, and get cheap beer when the Designated Beer Batter strikes out.
It’s the place were players chase their Major League dreams, cry when they don’t make it, and cry harder when they do make it.

It’s the place you make friends for life – with host families, teammates, coaches, fans, co-workers … and even umpires.
It’s the place where anything was possible … except playing baseball in a global pandemic.
In 2021, MiLB will return. It will never be the same. About 42 teams will be unwillingly contracted. Some otherwise successful teams will go bankrupt. Many front office employees will have found a new job. The season will be shorter. The teams in the leagues will be different.
We've known today was coming for a long time. It still absolutely sucks.

It's natural to be sad for what we're losing this season. Having a good cry helps.

Cherish your memories. Make new memories.

And please wear a mask.
You can follow @Josh_Suchon.
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