Giving into temptation and making a thread with impressions of the Cambridge colleges to answer this question. #CambTweet/Cambridge Twitter community, please chip in! Everyone else, please note these are one person's impressions and not to be taken as fact! #ApplytoCambridge

Mixture of pretty and ugly architecture (typewriter building!) but literally located on the high street. There's seemingly quite a lot of financial support, but also lots of academic pressure.

Formal rating: 8/10

Quite science- and male-heavy. Ugly buildings and on the hill but lots of open space. Very high state-school intake and a brilliant access & admissions department (we 😍 Jonathan Padley!).

Formal rating: 3/10 (but you can get up and walk to the bar!)

Pretty average central college: nicely located by the UL but I don't like the way they lock their gates to everyone else. Nice spot on the river though.

Formal rating: 4/10 (an average of 2 formals, 1 of which was a 7 and the other a 1 🤢!)

Becoming (or maybe it always was) quite conservative but the best college community I've seen and the bar is always busy. The food is also *incredible* and there seems to be a lot of money about.

Formal rating: 10/10 (sets the standard)

Very grand architecture and aesthetically lovely. I know some lovely Downing people but it also has a bit of a reputation for drinking societies. Also for its bar but I don't really understand why? Big reputation for law.

Formal rating: 7.5/10

Has ducks and does your laundry for you, yet still I seem to overlook it despite regularly walking by. Amazing MCR room and put on a silent disco for us after formal 😍. Porters have been a bit grumpy in the past too.

Formal rating: 8/10

Only really knew Fitz from driving past on the way into town until last year. Really ugly on the outside but quite nice inside. It's noticeably further up the hill than Churchill/Medwards though.

Formal rating: 5/10

Far away, in fact so far away it has a Tory MP. Actually really beautiful when you make the trek up there though, though accommodation is a fixed price regardless of size and overpriced. The most Hogwarts-y option.

Formal rating: n/a

Renowned for bad food, though I can neither confirm or deny. Squashed in between the famous colleges but has a huge library. Strikes me as fairly conservative, in terms of college management and students. Lots of medics, apparently.

Formal rating: n/a

In the south beyond the station, where many never venture (including me until last December). Very big and populated largely by education students, and right next to that faculty. Also just about in Tory-land by virtue of its distance from town.

Formal rating: n/a

Tends to be seen as a grad college but also takes mature undergrads. Not well known and kinda mocked for its location, but actually IMO that location is quite handy for a lot of town, albeit quite far from any other college.

Formal rating: n/a

Best college bar in Cambridge (and the best beer – Löwenbräu on tap! 🍻) by a very long way and has produced a dynasty of SU presidents. Also known for being good at football but I'm not sure what else.

Formal rating: 7/10

Probably some visitors think this *is* the university. Has the chapel and the tourists that come with it. Known for being very edgy and left-wing (had a Soviet flag up in the bar until recently).

Formal rating: n/a (tickets are like gold dust!)

Known for being a small community of female grads and mature students on the hill, but about to go co-ed, so we'll need to find new stereotypes for Lucy. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Formal rating: n/a

Beautiful riverside location but pretty conservative, with the May Ball being one of two in white tie. Rowan Williams is the master. Formals are pretty and candlelit but the food is dreadful. Mispronunciation danger: (mɔː.də.lɪn / Mor-de-lin).

Formal rating: 2/10

Architecture seemingly inspired by East Germany, though I think the dome is a good addition to the city. Another all-female college and on the hill, but pretty close to town really. Known for its brunch, though I last went about 5 years ago.

Formal rating: n/a

An all-female college (also mostly for fellows) and with the history and alumnae to show for it. Accommodation is quite pricey but the college itself is really lovely with big gardens. Would maybe have applied if I were a woman.

Formal rating: 7/10

Somehow much bigger than it looks from the street. Seems to be an underrated gem and known for its good food. I love the Welsh connections and they always fly the flag on 1st March 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿.

Formal rating: 7.5/10 (did not live up to the hype when I went!)

Small and very traditional, being the oldest college of the lot, and pretty now they've cleaned the brickwork! Another one with a white-tie ball and pretty conservative in its student body, I believe. Has its own deer park though.

Formal rating: n/a

Not one for people who get annoyed by misplaced apostrophes! One half is unquestionably stunning and the other half is debatable, though I really like the look of it. Has a great bar and the coolest bridge on the Cam (with the tourists to match).

Formal rating: 9/10

Looks like a leisure centre. Surprisingly private-school heavy. Second best bar in Cambridge (and super cheap) but accommodation is renowned for being pricey. Students are super political, spanning far-left to Tory.

Formal rating: 7/10 (hope you like hearty food!)

If you want a useful recommendation, ask a Cambridge student what their second-favourite college is. Selwyn is mine. Beautiful buildings, great food, and seems to be a really nice and well-run community. Right next to most arts faculties too!

Formal rating: n/a

Primarily known for being next to Sainsbury's, it hides a surprising amount of college behind its high-street entrance. Otherwise best known for Cromwell going there. Maybe not one for the Irish? Also did I mention it's right by Sainsbury's?

Formal rating: 8/10

Friendly community and open to the street (for people-watching). Avoids the worst of the tourist rush. Not much green space though, what you see is what you get. I may need to declare an interest here.

Formal rating: 8.5/10 (Super Hall is a definite 10 though)

Another mature/grad college. Honestly I only found out where this was about 6 months ago, and I only know it through past Labour Club drama tbh. I think it might be unique in having a Catholic chapel?

Formal rating: n/a

Known for posh people with signet rings, which it certainly has but they're in a minority, and grumpy porters, which is spot on. One of the big touristy three with King's and Trinity. Would only ever apply here for its money.

Formal rating: 6.5/10 (but very cheap)

The other one of the big, wealthy, Net worth equivalent to Man City and Man Utd combined, owns the Millennium Dome and the Port of Felixstowe. Known for having lots of maths students and irresponsibly hoarding their wealth.

Formal rating: n/a

Recently scandalised (and rightly so) but the community itself seems quite nice. Don't think I've ever been through the gate, but they have the coolest library in town. Forever confused with its bigger (but younger!) namesake next door.

Formal rating: n/a

The final mature college. Newnham is a lovely bit of town to live in, but it is really a bit far away from most other things. I don't actually think I've ever been up the driveway to be able to pass comment on the college itself.

Formal rating: n/a
I doubt this will this will spread far, but—if you've scrolled this far through pictures of indistinguishable old, pretty buildings and various new, less pretty ones. This is one person's (very obviously imperfect) collection of stereotypes, hearsay and personal experiences.
If you're actually applying, get some proper, more representative information:
➡️ @thestudentroom
➡️ college websites

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