1. Here is what I stopped doing in late Feb/early March: riding mass transit, going to restaurants, going to gym (canceled membership), going to dentist (I need a new crown). Things are much "hotter" now than then. I am quadrupling down on safety, wearing a mask, and (more)
2. reminding myself daily that these are NOT major sacrifices.

So very disappointed by lack of patience and anger of Americans who are "inconvenienced" by having to wear a mask to protect themselves and others, not being able to go to a bar, etc. (more)
3. My late mother lived through years of German occupation of Paris as a young woman. She saw atrocities that scarred her for life. She did not have a TV, Netflix, delivery of food to her home, washer & dryer, & many around the world have far worse conditions today. (more)
4. If you truly love your country, it's time to quit whining. Suck it up, America. Do the right thing. Be inconvenienced for a while so that those harvesting, delivering, & stocking shelves w/ your food stay well, & so that your country can get through this quicker. (more)
5. How about celebrating Independence Day as a commitment to doing what we all have to do to one day declare independence from SARS-CoV-2 and its ravages?
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