Today I sent a letter to @CMSboard. I really appreciate the work they do, and I already got a response!

Tomorrow night they meet to discuss how to respond to the @NC_Governor's coming recommendation.

Read the letter here: 
I thought I'd make a list of the studies, articles, and recommendations I shared with them (and with @NC_Governor).

Here goes:
Children are not COVID-19 super
spreaders: time to go back to school - @apsmunro

"Governments worldwide should allow
all children back to school regardless of
"...current evidence and
experience support the concept that children can return
to school in a manner that maximizes children’s health
and minimizes risks from a Public Health perspective" --Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
"Yes, kids should be going back to school in the fall" -Joseph G. Allen is an assistant professor of exposure assessment science, director of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health
"Worldwide, relatively few children have been reported with COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Data from the Netherlands also confirms the current understanding: that children play a minor role in the spread of the novel coronavirus."
"...the AAP strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school."
I shall add this to my thread in hopes that @NC_Governor and @CMSboard see it.
MAYBE this isn't a bad thing.

MAYBE, @NC_Governor was planning something other than what's been recommended by Harvard, Johns Hopkins, the American Academy of Peds, most of western Europe, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Denmark, etc.
And maybe he's reconsidering and reviewing the vast evidence after reading my letter and thread.
Great thread here by @apsmunro. Keep this in mind as you see stories about outbreaks in schools.
It's also worth noting that, according to the data from Sweden, teachers are at lower than average risk of contracting COVID than other professions.
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