My eyes move involuntarily, each one swinging to its own music. They’ve danced this way for as long as I can remember. I can’t see it myself, but the jeering kids let me know. The adults nudging me to wear sunglasses let me know. And trolls certainly let me know. Thread 1/5
Our society criminalizes #disability. Countless books & films allege eyes reveal a person’s soul, then deliberately give the evil characters abnormal eyes. Not all of them, of course, but enough to influence the public’s perception of eyes like mine. #Ableism 2/5
The #blind community has many stories of police glancing at our eyes & immediately assuming intoxication, illegal substance use, or criminal intent. Those of us who are blind and Black face the dual forces of #ableism and racism. #BlackDisabledLivesMatter 3/5
3 main sighted reactions. Those who see my asymmetrical eyes and experience fear & discomfort. Others claim they don’t notice, insisting they see the person not the #disability. The third type of reaction, my preferred reaction, accepts the difference & strives to understand. 4/5
This photo is for that third group who accepts #disability & strives to understand. You all get it. I’m Haben and my rebellious eyes look here, there, & everywhere! #BodyAcceptance #BodyRespect #DisabilityPride #Blind #DeafBlind #BodyPositive #BodyPositivity #Inclusion 5/5
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