A person living in Los Angeles, short for "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del Rio Porciuncula" has told me that Americans should speak English. This displays one of the core principles of white supremacy: It takes its own artificiality as primary and natural.
This position will begin to expel critique or dissent on the principle of "if you don't like, go somewhere else." In my case, both sides of my family are Mexican-Americans ancestral to the North of the US/Mexican borderline. As Los Tigres del Norte say, "Soy mas Americano."
I bring this is up for more than the geopolitical struggles of language and ancestry in the US. I raise it as an analog to the toxic sense of white entitlement to the US Catholic Church which gives a sense of license to whitestream US Catholicism to discipline and censor POC.
The "temporary suspension" of Gloria Purvis by an entity that takes its namesake from *OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE* for the tone her discourse on racism crosses a bright white line and must be exposed and opposed. It appropriates Guadalupe *and* tries to control a Black Catholic woman.
The story of Guadalupe is a story of CONTENTION: a miraculous confrontation of Church authority, critique of the status quo of colonial superiority, a story where the Mother of God took the form of an indigenous person when they were not seen or treated as equal persons.
That a media group named after this blessed Brown Patroness of the Americas and of the indigenous peoples of the Americas believe they have the moral authority to "temporarily suspend" a Black Catholic woman speaking truth to power is simply and absolutely and totally and wrong.
This is far worse than the stupidity of someone living in LA trying to lecture me about why Americans should speak English. This goes deeper than geopolitics but has the same root: white supremacy and superiority, the false and artificial natural and primary place of whiteness.
In a similar way to Los Tigres del Norte singing "Soy Mas Americano," we should recognize that not only is Gloria Purvis a Catholic, she is far *more* Catholic, on the true side of Guadalupe, than the Guadalupe Radio Network. They are a scandal and albatross to the US Church.
The weight of their transgression is garden-variety American exceptionalist white supremacy. This garden grows in soil of indigenous dispossession, 246 years of enslavement, and 100 years of Jim Crow. They should repent, accept the mercy of God and their just temporal punishment.
This is not simply a political media campaign. This is a fight in union with the true spirit of contention that the tilma and roses of Guadalupe began on this soil, with las Casas and many other abolitionist Catholics in their number. We cannot tire or stop or slow down.
Right now, in communion with the moral truth of Black Lives Matter, we must support and lift up our Black Catholic brothers and sisters especially Gloria Purvis. So, please, continue sharing and speaking out in one voice against the mortal and historical sin of white supremacy.
So, please, refresh your posts, write emails, invite those of goodwill into dialogue, study the history and heritage of these ideas and realities, listen to the voices ringing out today, and pray for conversion and reconciliation. Resources and links below. Add your own, too.
Wise words from a holy Black Catholic priest:
Sorry for the typos. Please RT and share and tag and feel free to take and use whatever you please and also to add. I will RT and boost what I can, DMs are open as well. The key is to keep the volume up and let our voice be heard. ¡Sí see puede!
In other news: César Chávez is NOT impressed with me!
More resources, share and boost! No need to RT me, just share from the source! https://twitter.com/jennmorson/status/1277765502446772225?s=21 https://twitter.com/jennmorson/status/1277765502446772225
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