A thread for #medtwitter:
What happens in your facility if a patient requests to be discharged early?

Does the reason matter & is it recorded?
-inept or negligent care
-medical abuse
-delayed care
-lack of trust
-safety concerns due to medical errors...1/5
What is the hospital/staff response?

-Discuss w patient respectfully
-Fix what's wrong
-Threaten the Pt (i.e. ins won't pay for care if...)
-Refuse to D/C
-Punish patient (not allowed to schedule visits with physician, not allowed to attend test/Rx)...2/5
Patient Right #20. The right to be discharged from a facility or treatment plan at any time, without delay, threats, or refusal, with the actual reason for the discharge request in the patient’s words placed in the medical record (i.e., not simply documenting discharge AMA)...3/5
Ex: Pt requested immediate discharge due to (lack of provision of medically necessary care, lack of open communication & dialogue w attending physicians regarding testing/treatments plan, substantial delay in testing required for urgent medical condition, poor/negligent care. 4/5
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