When abuse is called out in your community, please be mindful of your response. Think about if the forgiveness or excuses you offer is being done at the victim's expense.
Because of the power & influence many abusers have, it will likely be easy for you to assume it's not really that bad. You may blindly accept their narrative. You may go along with accepting a bad apology, even if it feels off. If you already liked the abuser, it's much harder.
It's normal to need time to process, it's normal for this to be messy. That's ok.

But please understand that this path can turn into enabling & cause further harm. It is on the community to set the tone for what is & is not acceptable, in these situations.
If the community does not do this, the abuse will probably continue.
Yes, this is about that one SFF guy. No, I'm not a victim of his.

But, I have personal experience with these types of dynamics, and it's something I feel strongly about.
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