I think a lot about the idea that allies need to be grounded. like, spiritually steady and chill instead of pursuing — consciously or otherwise — approval, attention, authority, absolution, a sense of moral superiority, an outlet for aggression, a source of self-worth, etc
anyway I'm seeing a surge of not-grounded non-black people using anti-racism to indulge their own clamoring impulses. as a result, their 'contributions' are often chaotic and off-strategy — coming up with their own demands, incorrectly defining and identifying problems etc
I can't even say 'I know their intentions are good' because they lack political intentionality — they're pursuing psychological outcomes, not political ones. and they may not even realize the difference between the two pursuits
I say this with humility because sometimes I have not had the skill or strength to ground my impulses and insecurities, and shouldn't have attempted to do pretty much anything politically aside from sending cash from afar
a few people have brought up how being grounded in this way is perpetual, lifelong work. I agree it's a practice, not a status. but I think taking activist initiative in an ungrounded state, or at the outset of your practice, can and will compromise your allyship politically
like as I write this I'm looking at a tweet where a progressive white person is proudly chastising another progressive white person for a perceived political infringement that absolutely no one has identified as a priority and would be politically incoherent if actually actioned
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