Questions to ask a prospective employer so you don’t get screwed. A thread ⬇️
1. What does the trajectory look like for this role (so you know where you’re going)
2. What does collaboration look like with other teams (so you don’t get stuck working in a silo)
3. What would my relationship with my manager look like? (micromanaging or flexibility)
4. How is my performance reviewed? (Know what you’ll be accountable for, how often, and the impact on your role)
5. How often is my salary reviewed/structure for promotions? (so you have a timeline)
6. How does the company aid in my professional development? (important to know!)
7. How is the company measuring its success within diversity and inclusion? (because culture is important, and metrics matter)
8. What is the average tenure of current employees/how does the company retain talent? (so you don’t join a sinking ship)
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