An excerpt from a piece I wrote on the Pineal Gland.

Signs of a damaged pineal gland:
— Sense of disconnectedness

— Sense of unease from not being anchored within the psyche.

— Periodic rise in panic and disorientation accompanied by easy distraction and inability to let go of interfering thoughts and feelings that have become habitual.
— Sense of constant frustration at being blocked from any progress.

— Knowing you need to be going somewhere but having no idea how to initiate the journey

— Hypersensitive to judgement

— Inability to heed advice

— Always needs company, even if it aggravates them
On a basic level, the gland will open with a ‘sincere surrender to source’.

This is easier said than done.
Rudolph Steiner, the Austrian mystic who was very active in a variety things including schooling, biodynamic farming, and alternative medicine during the early part of last century, predicted that by the end of the 20th century into the 21st century...
...there would be a movement driven by large corporations to take the soul away from people and disconnect them from the higher world. In order to do that they have to destroy the pineal gland in people.
The Pineal gland is highly sensitive to four things:

1. Aluminium (from geoengineering)
2. Glyphosate (from mass production farming)
3. Flouride (in water and toothpaste)
4. Wifi (everywhere)

This has resulted in the severe calcification of many people’s pineal glands.
Glyphosate and aluminium combine in the gut and the bloodstream to form a chemical compound which specifically targets the Pineal Gland.
Glyphosate chelates aluminium to allow it to permeate the gut barrier to disrupt particular enzymes involved in melatonin metabolism. The what is needed for this compound to enter the brain is to open up the blood-brain barrier.
Well, it just so happens that the current frequencies of Wifi do just that.

This allows toxins that used to stay only in the bloodstream and not permeate the brain are now entering the brain.

This perfect storm has been orchestrated.
And now you know, you can take steps to mitigate these effects.

Flouride is a poison to the gland and can cause deterioration of intuitive thinking and thus the loss of connectedness. It essentially lobotomises your ‘third eye’.

Eliminate flouride from toothpaste & water.
Use Shungite and Orgonite to reduce the harmful effects of EMF exposure.
Iodine is known to reverse pineal gland calcification. Kelp tablets are an effective source of iodine.

(As a tincture or in kelp/kelp tablets)
Other reasons for difficulty in etheric connection can be related to past lives, karmic load, lack of soul maturation.

Some people are just hylics.

This is especially hard for those who can conceive of the connection mentally, and really want to connect, but simply can’t.
There are many 60s children who suffer from this spiritual malaise.

They are often wealthy liberal types who spend half the year on meditation/yoga retreats in North Goa, and the other half boshing cocaine in Kensington apartments and going to Michelle Obama talks.
These people are deranged, out of touch, and have wasted their potential.

They are damaging society with their bitterness.
or refer to this thread for a condensed summary of the CIA doc:
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