Training in clinical psychology IS hard for trainees & trainers caught in interaction of toxic systems of academia & mh & at bigger picture, clash of extrinsic neoliberal values of competition, individualism, profit v NHS intrinsic socialist, values of care, justice, equity 1/11
Join @PsychSocChange (maybe help start a local branch if there isn’t one near you) to be inspired with others working for social justice 2/12
Seek comradeship/allyship with learners in other programmes eg medicine/nursing, which have different pressures/rewards & different representation of marginalised groups incl BAME, gender, class, long term conditions. Student nurses esp have been treated badly by government. 3/11
Explore any opportunities for community placements that your programme might provide. And remember you can be a resource for others - eg through offering your research, as well as your placement time, in service of addressing injustices 4/12
Find (a) mentor(s) - formal or informal. We need a culture of kind inclusive mentorship. Your tutor or other trainees cd help you seek someone to suit you - & @UKDCP runs a national scheme & @DCPSouthWest an informal scheme. Or just ask someone you trust. 5/12
Partner with folk who are experts by experience, & value your own learning thro troubled times. As psychologists & humans we all have vulnerabilities, strengths, demands on us that are sometimes too great. We’ve far more in common with one another than that which divides us. 6/12
Ask for (& accept) help; approach sympathetic tutors; cherish family & friends; embrace good-enoughness, nuance, uncertainty; question & challenge unhealthy power dynamics with support; pick your battles; bond with your peer group. Don’t try to be a hero innovator alone! 7/12
Explore ways to celebrate & bring to training your own creativity, cultural heritage, life experiences, stories, differences, emotional energy & impulses. Stay curious & kind towards yourself, others, the planet & our climate. 8/12
Engage with nature - plants, animals and the ocean remind us of our place & bigger resources & responsibilities in the world.9/12
Remember life, like the ocean and the seasons, has a rhythm- waves of big demands can be followed with times of calm restoration. Just let yourself float sometimes. 10/12
Believe that what your profession, family, friends and the world all need is your particular uniqueness - not clones or replicas of what others already bring. 11/12
You can follow @annieingarden.
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