what is happening to jews? a thread to educate yourself on anti-semitism & how you can help:
it seems to me that some of my mutuals are very uneducated on anti-semitism and what happens to jews every day/what’s been happening. so i’m making this thread to hopefully educate you on jews a little better than school does it
if youre unsure of what anti-semitism is, here’s a quick definition—anti-semitism; prejudice and/or discrimination against jews as individuals and as a group. anti-semitism is based on stereotypes and myths that target jews as people and their religious beliefs.
historically, what began as a conflict over religious beliefs evolved into a systematic policy of political, economic, and social isolation; exclusion, degradation and attempted annihilation. it did not begin in the nazi era, nor did it end with the close of world war II.
in biblical times, jews were frequently useful to rulers who used their capital to build cathedrals and outfit armies. as long as the jews benefited the ruler, either through finance or by serving as convenient scapegoats, they were tolerated.( http://adl.org )
after the advent of christiananity,a new anti-judaism evolved. initially, chrisitanity was seen as another jewish sect, since jesus was jewish and preached a form of judaism. in the year 70 C.E.,3 the romans destroyed the jewish state and most jews were scattered across the world
i could go into MANY more examples of what jews had gone through in biblical times but if i did so, we’d be here for days. so let’s move on:
in the middle ages, jews were subjected to political, economic and social discrimination, resulting in the deprivation of their legal and civil rights. they were restricted to living in ghettos and, beginning in the 13th century, jews were required to wear a distinctive symbol
(a badge and/or a pointed hat) so that they could be immediately recognized, an action that was revisited by the nazis in the 20th century. since jews were not allowed to own land and the church did not allow christians to loan money for profit, jews had few alternatives but to
become moneylenders. once they became associated with the forbidden trade of usury—the practice of lending money and charging high interest—a new set of stereotypes evolved around the jews as money-hungry and greedy.
this was all the start and just a platform for the nazis/hitler. i’m not gonna go into the holocaust because i feel that many might know about it, it would take far too long, and it is also a very touchy subject but if you would like me to go further into world war II, dm me.
fast forward to after the holocaust, after the world witnessed the horrors of auschwitz anti-semitism became far less accepted. seeing what anti-semitism could lead to made peoples and nations ashamed of openly expressing anti-semitism.
although, anti-semitism certainly did not disappear. in fact, now, anti-semitism is at some would say an all time high. this resurgence of anti-semitism is a great concern, especially as we move further and further away from the lessons of the holocaust. the jewish people do
have allies in the united states and around the world, however, who remember the lessons of history and are ready to stand against this very old and very sinister hatred.
how bad is the situation? “The combination of Jew hatred and the accumulation of weapons of mass destruction by hostile governments makes the threat of this anti-Semitism the greatest since the Holocaust” (My Jewish Learning).
anti-semitism is present today even in small situations such as making comments about a jew’s nose size, or making anti-semitic comments critizing jews on money or other anti-semitic stereotypes.
anti-semitic hate crimes occur every day and are swept under the rug. they are BARELY talked about on social media and on the news. justice is rarely served.
“jokes” about the holocaust or about jews are NEVER funny, despite them being included in some people’s everyday humor. they are simply insensitive and anti-semitic. anti-semitism NEEDS to be talked about more. we are in danger.
how can you help, you may ask? here are some petitions, donation resources, and resources to help you educate yourself on anti-semitism and what needs to be done. credits to http://adl.org  for a lot of the above information⬆️
. https://twitter.com/gngtaste/status/1274050190098432000
i ask that you all PLEASE retweet this entire thread to make sure others are educated. dm me with any questions or if i put any incorrect information or if i should add anything: stay safe<3
if you’re staying silent and not educating yourself, you’re apart of the problem. sign petitions, donate and help us.
i’m just gonna add to this thread saying that i live my life every day in fear. when i go out, i tuck my star of david necklace into my shirt so no one will know i’m jewish. i’m sure plenty of people can relate. stop thinking anti-semitism ended with the holocaust.
anti-semites are out there!!! they are on twitter, they are your friends they are your neighbors. they hate us simply because we’re jewish. we need allies. we can’t be the only ones fighting for our rights. please help us!!!
gonna use this thread to bring light to josef neumann.on 12/28/19, josef neumann, an orthodox jewish man was attacked with a machete and later d*ed. this was an anti semitic attack at a rabbis home while they were celebrating hanukkah. the man who k*lled him is still not in jail.
what happened to josef neumann is nothing new. m*rders like this happen to jews every single fucking day and u don’t hear about it anywhere. it’s TERRIFYING and SICKENING. we are in DANGER and officials want to do nothing about it.
i just want to add that this thread has nothing to do with the israel-palestine conflict... i’m talking about the history of JEWS so if youre saying bad things about this thread youre just being plain anti-semitic. you just read this thread and did exactly what it says not to do.
today, in belgium, there was an anti-semitic protest where those who attended chanted “slaughter the jews”. THIS IS SICKENING AND TERRIFYING. i have no words. this happened TODAY. I FEEL LIKE WE’RE IN THE 1940’S... READ THE FUCKING ROOM. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGm_8bgBq5/?igshid=l2cev9dqsf2a
a reminder that if you’re a non-jew, you have absolutely no place to tell a jew what is anti-semitic and what isn’t.
desean jackson quoted hitler and is just being plain anti-semitic. i wonder why it’s not being talked about on the news or on social media?
THIS!!!! stop picking and choosing who u want to fight for https://twitter.com/matthewberrytmr/status/1280524656349532160?s=21 https://twitter.com/MatthewBerryTMR/status/1280524656349532160
i think it’s very telling how people feel about jews, seeing that there are no non-jews sticking up for us after desean jackson posted his very anti-semitic post. i’ve only seen jews post about him quoting hitler/being an anti-semite and honestly it’s SHAMEFUL and DISGUSTING.
https://twitter.com/lady44sassy/status/1280937837756547072?s=21 ????????????????????? https://twitter.com/Lady44Sassy/status/1280937837756547072
stop buying from shein https://twitter.com/gngtaste/status/1281277426425790466?s=21 https://twitter.com/gngtaste/status/1281277426425790466
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