People say "Jews don't need a jewish state" "Israel doesn't need to be majority Jewish"

And like, maybe right now we don't have an immediate need, there aren't many places we're currently expelled from. But one day, we probably will.

Let me tell you a quick story. 1/
When the Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal in the 1490s, the community eventually made their way to other parts of Europe. Amsterdam was a popular choice.

Amsterdam in the 1600s became one of the biggest Jewish centres in Western Europe. 2/
Amsterdam produced many key rabbis in the 17th century. They campaigned to persuade Cromwell to readmit the Jews to England. They had 3 congregations at one point. They were living their best life.

For 300 years, they were living their best life. They didn't need an Israel.3/
Today, the most famous Jewish landmark in Amsterdam isn't its oldest synagogue. It isn't the Jewish quarter.

It's the Anne Frank house.

That's Amsterdam's world-famous Jewish legacy. All those centuries of security completely forgotten in popular memory.

For 300 years, the Jews of Amsterdam were secure. They were a thriving community. But these things can change in an instant. And now Amsterdam is remembered as a place of death and sadness for its once blossoming community.

The Amsterdam Jewish community has rebuilt itself and is now secure once again.

But this story is why Jews are often offended when you say that Israel shouldn't exist. Bc we know that one day we may well need it again. 6/
Criticise the government to your heart's content. It's a far-right gov, I disagree with the bulk of their politics. But the moment you decide that the Jews no longer deserve a state at all, you're saying that we don't deserve protection from another genocide attempt/expulsion. 7/
The pattern of discrimination constantly repeats itself. 21st century Jews are terrified that it will happen again. The only state that is guaranteed to provide safety for us is a Jewish one. It will take time for us to get over this mindset and ppl like this aren't helping 8/
Why is it so wrong for Jews to have a state? A Jewish state is no more inherently racist than a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist one etc. Why is it ok for those religions to have self-determination but not Jews? 9/
This thread took a tangent. Key points:
- Jews are allowed to have their own state.
- Agreeing that Israel should exist is not an endorsement of the current gov's politics.
- Palestinians are suffering horrifically. But getting rid of the Jews is not the solution. 10/
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