The murder rate for trans women is only 2.4 killed for every 100,000.

The murder rate for the average population is 5 killed for every 100,000.

Additionally, those killed are most commonly victims of robberies, spousal abuse, and other crimes wholly unrelated to their identity.
In 2017, the Human Rights Campaign identified 29 transgender homicide victims.

In 2018, they identified 28 victims.

In 2019, the identified 27 victims.

Not only is the transgender murder rate INCREDIBLY low, but the numbers continue to go down each year.
It is also important to note that the HRC includes all transgender victims of homicide in their report, regardless of the details.

One of the deceased from 2017 was Kiwi Herring, who first stabbed her neighbor and a responding officer, before she was shot and killed.
Correction to my first tweet. For the sake of being fair, I want to say the crimes are "likely" unrelated to their identity rather than "wholly."

It is possible transgender people are more likely to be the targets of robbery or spousal abuse. I don't have that information.

Racism / transphobia is bad.

Racist / transphobic-fueled murder is worse.

But I do not see the value in pretending there is a murder epidemic in the transgender community. The data we have suggests that trans murders are fairly uncommon, and trending downwards.
Now, compare this to the homicide rate for black men, which is a horrifying 37.12 killed per 100,000.

That is a true epidemic, and something which must be addressed.
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