This week @evolvingseas highlights Black scientists in #MarineBiology #Evolution & #Ecology. Discover exciting research & potential collaborators/mentors, diversify syllabi, identify award nominees & more. Join discussion w/ retweets & recommendations. #BlackInSTEM #BlackAFinSTEM
. @Sarah_TheSea studies marine invertebrate biodiversity using field/lab experiments, #NextGen sequencing, & #bioinformatics. Dr. Lemer & others used dense #transcriptome sampling to greatly improve resolution of #bivalve #phylogeny & inform future studies.
In addition, join @Emily_S_Choy for #MurreMonday to learn fun facts (evolutionary trade-off b/w flying and diving? not for murres!), watch amazing videos (, & appreciate Dr. Choy’s commitment to outreach (session w/ @EarthRangers
Next, @tm2side is an expert in all things #SpinyPlant, examining how plants adapt to disturbance & plant functional traits influence species performance. A nice feature on Dr. Armani following his 1st place poster at @NewPhyt Symposium:
. @tm2side also wrote a thoughtful piece (drawing on personal experience) identifying reasons why Black Africans may be less likely to take to nature, which impacts the next generation's connection to & valuation of nature & the environment. #BlackInNature
Next, @Sternarchella studies the ecology & evolution of phenotypic diversity using #Neotropical #ElectricFishes. In a recent paper, Dr. Evans & others examined whether #CoralReefs promote #JawEvolution & #MorphologicalDiversification in #Labrid fishes.
. @TheDavidLab studies #InvasiveSpecies #GeneticConnectivity & #Dispersal to understand how human activities modify #EvolutionaryPotential. David&Cahill examined #polychaete genetic structure, finding #CrypticDiversity & role of anthropogenic introductions.
To learn more about @swannegordon’s research, check out Dr. Gordon’s talk on August 5th as part of this wonderful series of virtual @EvoEcoSeminars!
. @melisabetta studies past effects of environmental perturbations to predict species responses to future climate change, combining #Paleobiology & #ConservationBiology. Dr. Kemp & others examined how human activities shaped #Caribbean species distributions:
. @melisabetta is also committed to #mentoring & #outreach, engaging students from under-represented groups & communicating science to the public. Dr. Kemp’s outreach activities include partnering w/ @SCFG & serving as ambassador for @SVP_vertpaleo – great ways to get involved!
Let’s also recognize that the future is bright! Meet @microbiomarisol, PhD student @BU_Tweets studying #coral #viromes & #microbiomes (also, opera singer!). Meet @illy_faye, incoming PhD student @UNCims who already has impressively diverse research experience in #MarineBiology.
Next, @thewolfeaquatic has done outstanding research in #MarineScience & been wonderful addition to communities @NUMarSci, @NOAASBNMS, @WoodsHolePEP, & beyond. Also, @NMNH was lucky to have @sori_45 as NSF-REU & #TeamFish is lucky to have her as already impressive fish biologist.
Next, @Carina_Fish, a PhD student in @Tessa_M_Hill’s lab at @ucdavis, is a #MarineBiogeochemist studying #DeepSeaCorals and #PastClimate to understand effects of #ClimateChange. Carina is also a talented and committed science communicator and advocate for #EnvironmentalJustice.
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