The analysis also reveals that brands Unilever, Mondelez, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble are each linked to nearly 10,000 fire hotspots, and traders Wilmar, Cargill, Musim Mas, and Golden-Agri Resources all buy from producers linked to fires.
Some are even buying from individual palm oil concessions under investigation for illegal fires. Together, the four traders supply more than three-quarters of global palm oil and all are RSPO members
Richard George, continued: “If truly sustainable palm oil is ever to exist, globally we have to use less of it. Right now, more than half the palm oil coming into Europe is for so called biofuel. This has to stop. Brands and supermarkets must also commit to using far less palmoil
and ensure any they do use comes from suppliers that are 100% deforestation-free.”
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