This is the start of my new Black Lives Matter "Reverse Ferret" thread, where I'll be cataloguing the incidents of and techniques used to back out of previous enthusiastic support for BLM by those who opportunistically endorsed it without bothering to check what it stood for.
Stunning turn here from formerly knee-taking Labour leader Keir Starmer, as he smoothly spins from "BLM movement" to "BLM moment" [has it passed already?!] and skims over the "organisational difficulties" of donors giving £1m to people with a Jew problem.
Generously compensated TV sports pundit Gary Lineker here with: I Didn't Read The Small Print / I Was Only In Favour Of The "Making The Trains Run On Time" Bit. I think it's fair to say that Gary might have a problem with their wish to destroy capitalism.
And, now, some inspired, *Inception*-level doublethink from UK Black Lives Matter themselves, who confess that, on reflection, they no longer endorse one of the primary stated aims of UK Black Lives Matter. Has anyone told UK Black Lives Matter about this?
Fair play. This is less a reverse ferret, and more an honest and straightforward U-turn, from ex-Wolves-and-Stoke midfielder Karl Henry.
Piers Morgan begins that backward shimmy:

"When I said that I 'supported The Tea Party movement', I meant that I was broadly in favour of tea. And parties."

[thanks to @DeeJarv34798927 ]
Here's the Premier League, lads! Goalie-beating switch of hashtags from #BlackLivesMatter to #NoRoomForRacism

"However, we do not endorse any political organisation or movement, nor support any group that calls for violence or condones illegal activity." 
And the English Football Association saves money by jumping onto the same reversing ferret as the Premier League.

[thanks to @73inlancs ]
Starmer not so much reverse-ferreting or U-turning, as drift-racing in a continuous loop now.
Sip the schadenfreude of Black Lives Matter UK getting ratioed on TWITTER, of all places.
I have neglected this thread of late. Here's one new story though:
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