A thread on Rana Kumbha:

Rana Kumbha was a Hindu Rajput Emperor of the great Hindu Rajputana Mewar empire.

Rana Kumbha is considered to be the strongest warrior in the history of Hindu Rajputana warfare and one of the most fierce warlord in the history of Indian warfare.
Rana Kumbha singlehandedly preseved the Hindu civilisation in present day Rajasthan against multi-directional attacks from the invading Isslamiic forces of Qutubuddin ahmad shah, Mahmud Khalji and shams khan and still managed to come out victorious facing this 3 front war.
Rana Kumbha waged 7 wars on multiple-fronts against invading Isslamiic forces and came out victorious in all 7 wars that were
War of sarangpur(1437)
War of Mandalgarh(1442)
War of Banas(1446)
War of Abu(1455)
War of Nagaur(1456)
War of Mandalgarh(1456)
War of Mandalgarh(1467)
WAR OF SARANGPUR(1437)-was fought between Rana Kumbha and Mahmud Khalji. Mahmud Khalji's Isslamiic forces were severly uprooted and decisively defeated by the Hindu Rajputana forces of Rana Kumbha and Mahmud Khalji's Isslamiic forces fled the battlefield from all directions.
WAR OF MANDALGARH(1442)-humiliated by the previous defeat in war of Sarangpur(1437) against Hindu Rajputana forces of Rana Kumbha, sultan mahmud Khalji decided to take revenge and destroyed the Bana mata temple of Hindu Rajputs.
This invited the wrath of Rana Kumbha and led
to the war of Mandalgarh(1442) were sultan Mahmud Khalji's Isslamiic forces were crushed and he fled the battlefield.

WAR OF BANAS(1446) - Sultan again tried to avenge his defeat. But Rana Kumbha was prepared before hand and surprised Mahmud Khalji by directly attacking his
Isslamiic forces while they were crossing the banas river and Mahmud Khalji's Isslamiic forces were caught offguard and severly crushed by Hindu Rajput forces led by RANA KUMBHA.
Thus Sultan Mahmud Khalji was now constantly defeated three times in a row by Rana Kumbha.
WAR OF ABU(1455)-Qutubuddin Ahmad shah seeing a fellow Mussliim emperor Mahmud Khalji's 3 constant defeats considered this a humiliation to Isslaam and decided to attack Rana Kumbha.

Qutubuddin ahmad shah sent his Isslamiic forces under the command of Imadul mulk to attack
Rana Kumbha.But while his Isslamiic forces were passing through the hills,they faced an unsuspected full frontal attack from Hindu Rajputana forces of Rana Kumbha posted in the hills itself and Qutubuddin ahmad shah's Isslamiic forces were dusted and aggressively driven back.
Thus this series of defeats faced by Isslamiic emperors Mahmud Khalji and Qutubuddin ahmad shah confirmed the increasing might of Hindu Rajputana emperor Rana Kumbha.
Thus all the Isslamiic emperors Mahmud Khalji, Qutubuddin ahmad shah and Shams khan combined their forces to
counter the increasing dominance and threat of Hindu Rajputana forces led by Hindu Rajputana emperor Rana Kumbha.This led to the War of Nagaur(1456)

WAR OF NAGAUR(1456)-Isslamiic emperors-Qutbuddin ahmad shah and Shams khan combined their Isslamiic forces and attacked Mewar
Rana Kumbha retaliated by launching a full offensive against these combined Isslamiic forces and inflicted a crushing defeat on Isslamiic forces and with this big victory Rana Kumbha conquered the territories of Nagaur,kasili,khandela and Shakambhari thus expanding his rule.
WAR OF MANDALGARH(1456)-Sultan Mahmud Khalji on hearing the humiliating defeat of fellow Isslamiic emperors Qutbuddin ahmad shah and shams Khan again tried to challenge Rana Kumbha for the sake of Isslaam and sent 7 detachments of Isslamiic forces to attack Rana Kumbha from
multiple directions. Sultan Mahmud Khalji's Isslamiic forces were majorly commanded by Taj Khan and Ali khan and both of his commanders failed to make an impact and faced heavy casualties against Hindu Rajputana forces of Rana Kumbha and later retreated accepting defeat.
Bloodied by the previous defeats Sultan Mahmud Khalji didn't dare to attack Rana Kumbha for the next 10 years. But later made one attempt in(1467) on the insistence of defeated fellow Isslamiic emperors Qutbuddin ahmad shah and Shams khan leading to war of Mandalgarh(1467).
WAR OF MANDALGARH(1467)-Hindu Rajputana forces led by Rana Kumbha carried out an all out assault against approaching Isslamiic forces of Mahmud Khalji and decisively defeated them.
Thus the Isslamiic forces of Qutbuddin ahmad shah,Mahmud Khalji and Shams khan were constantly
defeated and dominated 7 times on battlefield. This made sure that none of the Isslamiic forces dared to attack Hindu Rajputana Mewar empire until the Hindu Rajputana Mewar emperor Rana Kumbha was alive.

Thus Rana Kumbha waged as many as 7 wars against Isslamiic forces and
managed to come out victorious in all 7 engagements.

Hindu Rajputana emperor Rana Kumbha successfully defended his Mewar empire and expanded his territory at a time when he was surrounded by Isslamiic aggressors like Qutbuddin ahmad shah, Shams Khan and Mahmud Khalji.
This caliber of coming out victorious against multi-directional Isslamiic attacks proved Rana Kumbha's mettle as a warrior.
Rana Kumbha's invincibility on the battlefield against Isslamiic forces made his Hindu Rajputana Mewar empire as the most dominating empire of his era.
Rana Kumbha later constructed a victory monument called as Vijay stambha to commemorate all his victories against Isslamiic forces.

Thus Vijay stambha is a victory monument constructed by Rana Kumbha that represents the dominance of Hindu Rajputana forces over Isslaam.
Later Rana Kumbha also constructed as many as 32 fortresses to strengthen the defence of Hindu Rajputana Mewar empire and the chief citadel of his empire out of those 32 fortresses was the Kumbhalgarh fort specially named after him.

Also on Rana Kumbha's orders a 36 km long
wall was constructed around the Kumbhalgarh fort to strengthen the defences of the Kumbhalgarh fort as being the capital fort it was the most strategic fortress of his Hindu Rajputana Mewar empire.

This wall surrounding the Kumbhalgarh fort is the longest wall in the world
after the great wall of China.
Rana kumbha's unquestionable valour and indomitable courage today forms the pride of Hindus and should never be forgotten.
It's a pity that a warrior of such caliber is deliberately kept out of India's history books to appease the Mussliim community
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