Like Israeli’s centrist candidate @gantzbe, I am critical of Trump’s & Netanyahu’s desired unilateral, non-reciprocal annexation of the West Bank. The key for me is: what happens to Palestinians stuck in the middle. No one has *ever* called me antisemitic for asking this question
The Israeli state, Israeli government & Israeli policy are distinct, like any country. Yet the State of Israel is disproportionately one for which these 3 are regularly & deliberately conflated, in order to to delegitimise & dehumanise the one example of Jewish self-determination
Always remember this & never forgot it:

the “social justice” voices that hate the Israeli state (criticise the government all you like) are the same voices who:

1) cast doubt over Putin’s chemical attack on UK soil

2) excused Putin ally Asad gassing his own people in Syria
3) opposed intervention against the Russia backed Serbian genocide of Bosnian Muslims

4) advocate boycotting the Middle East’s only democracy while cheerleading the Middle Eastern theocracy of Iran, another Putin ally
5) defended Corbyn boycotting Trump’s state visit, while Corbyn attended genocidal emperor of China Xi’s state visit to the UK
Curious. They always seem to excuse Putin

Don’t be fooled, they’re the Pied Piper.

Hard left ideologues consistently oppose democratic states while consistently excusing dictatorships, as long as they are “anti-American”

These are the #RegressiveLeft

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