Potentially/probably controversial thread about blanket policy of doing pregnancy tests on all women of childbearing age presenting with abdo pain/presenting for surgical procedures ⬇️
In March, I presented to A+E with intense generalised abdo pain, my entire abdomen was guarding, but I had no other symptoms.

28 y/o F w/ Abdo Pain.
Unknown cause.

Whilst being triaged, as expected, I was asked if I could be pregnant, and for consent to do a pregnancy test.
I told them there was absolutely no chance I could be pregnant, I'm a lesbian.

I asked if the pregnancy test was entirely necessary. I know I was providing a urine sample anyway, so no real skin off my nose for them to do both... but just seemed a little pointless/wasteful.
The nurse told me "the surgeons won't even look at you until you've done one"

And this is what I have an issue with.

I am a grown woman, I have capacity, I have told you that there is 0% chance I could be pregnant because I don't sleep with men...
But because I am a female of childbearing age, none of that matters.

It's paternalistic, it's not patient centered, and to be quite honest, it's insulting and infantalising.

If I was straight and sexually active? Absolutely, there is always a chance that you could be pregnant.
But to be told the surgeons won't even look at me without one, despite being *incredibly* gay, is like being looked up and down by someone and them saying

"... but are you REALLY though? Are you SURE you didn't accidentally sleep with a guy recently 🙄"

Pretty bloody sure mate.
It's similar to being told in medical school by a lecturer that *all* women of childbearing age should be taking folic acid, just in case.

The childbearing potential of my uterus is not the most important aspect of my life and it shouldn't dictate my medical care.
That's the end of my rant. I'm sure I'll annoy some people with this. But I just think we should be taking patients histories into account when deciding their management 🤷‍♀️

"One size fits all" rarely fits many people at all in reality.

And can we please just trust women?
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