There isn't half some bollocks about active travel being spouted.
1. No-one is saying *everyone* has to cycle/walk *every journey*. Chuck that strawman on the bonfire. Just have a think about which journeys could be done without a car!
2. I don't care if some people "don't want to" give up their cars for short journeys. Current use levels are unsustainable. Pollution is dire, our streets are dangerous and so much time is wasted in traffic jams. Something has to give.
3. The group of people who "need" a car is much smaller than you think. The list of activities that require a car is shorter than you think. Stop projecting your own laziness onto other people and forgiving the laziness of others.
4. Most active travel campaigners are on the side of disabled people and hate poorly designed cities as much as anyone. We don't generally want shared paths or conflict. Better walking infrastructure is better for all.
5. Cycling in the rain isn't that bad, and doesn't actually happen all that often on a regular commute. Rain doesn't affect journey time either.
Rain doesn't put established commuters off - why would you bother changing your entirely predictable regime for the weather?
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