Belatedly enjoying @michaelgove’s latest little undergraduate essay on the real reasons why everyone voted Brexit. Strangely, the reasons he personally gave them - ie the lies about the NHS and Turkey, don’t really get a mention.
The whole thing is a joy. Just pure @michaelgove. Does it have to be pointed out that Gramsci wrote (**from prison**) about living in fucked up times from the position of *having been fucked up by them? He was not, like Gove, the guy doing the fucking up?
The model we have inherited is “crumbling” says @michaelgove, the exact person who very purposefully set about smashing it all up with a great big sledgehammer of lies.
Does the chap at all realise that he is no longer a columnist? He is not the detached doctor diagnosing the symptoms? He is the disease itself.
Oh superb. Your reminder, though none is needed, that @michaelgove was a government minister throughout the migrant crisis and his response was to tell utterly cynical lies about Turkey joining the EU.
Ah the dangers of “groupthink” warns @michaelgove, who has now done his bit to purge the Tory Party of anyone with the temerity to point out Brexit is very obviously a terrible idea, and is now busy doing the same with the civil service.
(I should arguably point out there are some bits on about page 53 that are not terrible)
. @michaelgove then moves to his big conclusion, about how this government is going to be all about innovation and taking risks.

Risks, like, say, taking a different coronavirus approach to the rest of the world, and leaving tens of thousands of people preventably dead.
On Michael Gove’s growing disenchantment with Michael Gove

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