The world needs to speak out, as we’ve all discovered the vulnerability of our supply chains with China, now is the time to impose economic sanctions on China - we can’t keep doing business with a regime on the brink of committing genocide.
I want to see the people on the left who take the easy, consequence-free steps of signing up to BLM and BDS do the same for the Uyghurs - where are the Muslims lives matter protests? Where are the boycotts, divestments and sanctions against the settler-colonial regime of China?
If we're serious about moving on from 'Eurocentrism' lets start by expanding our realm of moral concern beyond the English speaking world, let's stop designating one half of the world as law-governed, and the other as a moral wilderness in which anything goes.
And while we're at it lets talk about what Morroco is doing to the Sahrawi, what China is doing in Africa, what India is doing in Kashmir and what Islamic countries are doing to Christians - when did we stop caring about the world? When did we abandon our values?
None of these are things that the leaders of Western countries are powerless to effect - we have economic, military and cultural relationships with all of these countries and regions, even if it was only symbolic, or small-scale, we could do something meaningful.
And its not just political leaders - academics and journalists, the people who control what is thought and said in public forums, they fail to speak out. Our papers and broadcasters barely cover international affairs outside of the US. Academics are myopically focused on the west
Things were not this parochial 20 years ago, I grew up surrounded by campaigns to relieve global poverty, the fair trade movement, the environmental movement, deep and earnestly thought public debates about conflicts in far flung countries. We've retreated inwards since.
The 2008 recession, the Iraq war and Brexit have turned us inwards, but its worth noting how much the left, the left I grew up with, has gone along with this. The fringes always wanted to turn the conversation to the sins of the west rather than what we could do to help.
Corbyn and his fellow travellers claim to be internationalists, but all that really turns out to mean is that they are obsessed with America and Israel (two countries that tolerate and respond to dissent) whilst falling silent in the face of expansionist, totalitarian regimes.
We're told that attacking the identity and moral certitude of western countries can only be for the good. But look at the results. We are doing NOTHING, saying NOTHING about genocide in China, because we no longer possess the will and the vision to do so.
China still responds to criticisms from us by citing the Opium Wars, this should be laughed out of the room, this should be the subject of mockery. Instead it actually works, we fall silent, we are desperate for their cash and scared of our own shadow.
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