A model for implementation-oriented [[ @RoamResearch]] users.

(diagram made with @plectica https://www.plectica.com/maps/XNW45IKH8  h/t @conaw)
2/ This tweet from [[ @andy_matuschak]] haunted me for a few weeks. Am I doing truly important work? https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak/status/1247604704013512705
3/ Then COVID-19 happened. We were given a blank canvas. It could have been my opportunity to spend more time nurturing ideas. But the fire that came so naturally to me was to bring ideas to reality. This one is almost there! https://twitter.com/kcorazo/status/1275703757112819713
4/ Tools for thought are not only apps. They are also mental toolkits for generating ideas and making them real. [[Z: Knowledge = number of mental tools you know. Wisdom = knowing when to use them.]] So I tried to map them out. The idea-to-reality production stack is the result.
5/ The idea-to-reality production stack gives us a language to describe the shape of our work. The work of intellectuals is to generate and grow ideas. The job of a project manager is to bring an idea to reality. The work of entrepreneurs span the three stages.
6/ There was a time when I didn't believe in the idea of an "authentic self." I'm beginning to change my mind. [[Z: Minds are malleable, but the process is gradual and compounding.]] There is no such thing as reprogramming the mind from scratch.
7/ What is the greatest use of my time right now? It must be the unique value I could create with the current stack I have. I realized that what I truly love to do is to bring ideas to reality. I'm a trained PM, but I find the most joy in entrepreneurship.
8/ This might also be the unique value I could bring to this conversation around tools for thought. There are many smart voices publicly nurturing and cross-pollenating ideas in the upper-left and upper-right sextants. I'd like to do the same for the lower-middle and lower-right.
9/ Entrepreneurship and project management both start with thought: imagining a different world, imagining how you can bring together people and technology to create that world, imagining risks and how you counter them... PM tools simply help you imagine. https://twitter.com/kcorazo/status/1266227623958507520
10/ [[Z: Work transforms imagination to reality]]. Orchestrated work requires an alignment of minds. This is why [[Z: 90% of a project managers work is communication]]. Tools for thought transmute inchoate germs of ideas to transmissible vectors.
11/ I was surprised how well [[ @RoamResearch]] worked for my usual PM tools traditionally done with mindmaps and tables. But I shouldn't have been. PM software (eg, Trello, Asana, Clickup) are designed for aligning minds and work, not the work of reimagining reality.
12/ Aside from using PM, I have also been running PM trainings, mostly in corporations and student organizations for 10+ years. I recently ran it for the first time online. Feedback was good. What I want to do next is to redesign it for #roamcult https://twitter.com/kcorazo/status/1274460418686107648
13/ Yesterday, I attended the [[ @CompliceGoals]] Goal Crafting Intensive workshop. It was a revelation on what an online training could be. On top of the Mastermind I mentioned above, I'm totally stealing their online workshop style. Join the beta v2 run: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexawJmleP4eHgDrsFwNN2xr3CXl98YrrXOwrrvUPMBBO2xGA/viewform
14/ Another toolkit in my stack that I both use and teach is what sensei [[ @sgblank]] calls [[evidence-based entrepreneurship]], the most popular variant of which is [[Lean Startup]]. Making ideas real costs time and money. These tools allow you to make ideas reality-ready.
15/ [[ @sgblank]] also created a way of teaching [[evidence-based entrepreneurship]]. He calls it the [[Lean Launchpad]]. Below is the self-awarded title I'm most proud of in my Linkedin lol. I'll work on bringing this online after I nail the PM training.
16/16 I'll talk about the other toolkits in this stack in the next threads. This account will explore bringing ideas to reality. Would love to hear what the most important tools are in your own idea-to-reality production stack.
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